Check Sets APIs

Check Sets APIs

APIs to trigger check-set runs

Table of Contents

1. Get last check-sets run info

Get last check-sets run info API is used to get information about the last check-sets run.

1.1. Prerequisites

The following data is required

  • ID of the domain to filter tasks for

1.2. Steps

  • Invoke the API. This API returns the result of the last check-sets run.

cURL Request

$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....'

HTTP Request

GET /v1/system/check-sets?domainId=69983c36-1846-40d5-b838-20319994c95e HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....

HTTP Response

Tip : Refer to: AssessmentTaskInfo for the response model.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 416

[ {
  "id" : "70ba96dd-160e-445c-adec-3fe070e1dea5",
  "timestamp" : 1677159187802,
  "completionTimestamp" : 1677159187802,
  "domainInputs" : [ {
    "domainName" : "sddcId-1001",
    "domainType" : "MANAGEMENT",
    "domainId" : "b7a9257d-5cef-4e4f-8b64-bdee10b57f02"
  } ],
  "metadata" : {
    "targetVersion" : "General Upgrade Readiness",
    "componentCount" : 4
} ]

2. Query for check-sets

Query for check-sets API is used to query for check-sets for the given resources.

2.1. Prerequisites

The following data is required

  • Check-set query input

Tip : Refer to: CheckSetQueryInput for the request model.

2.2. Steps

  • Invoke the API. This API returns the result of the last check-sets run.

cURL Request

$ curl '' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....' \
    -d '{
  "checkSetType" : "UPGRADE",
  "domains" : [ {
    "domainId" : "b7a9257d-5cef-4e4f-8b64-bdee10b57f02",
    "resources" : [ {
      "resourceType" : "VCENTER",
      "resourceId" : "6cd757e5-c65e-4ac6-8111-ec7bbae82f5d",
      "resourceTargetVersion" : "General Upgrade Readiness"
    } ]
  } ]

HTTP Request

POST /v1/system/check-sets/queries HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Length: 299
Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....

  "checkSetType" : "UPGRADE",
  "domains" : [ {
    "domainId" : "b7a9257d-5cef-4e4f-8b64-bdee10b57f02",
    "resources" : [ {
      "resourceType" : "VCENTER",
      "resourceId" : "6cd757e5-c65e-4ac6-8111-ec7bbae82f5d",
      "resourceTargetVersion" : "General Upgrade Readiness"
    } ]
  } ]

HTTP Response

Tip : Refer to: CheckSetQueryResult for the response model.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 686

  "queryId" : "19462fe7-996d-4553-a082-e48b2a5fe572",
  "resources" : [ {
    "resourceName" : "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local",
    "resourceId" : "6cd757e5-c65e-4ac6-8111-ec7bbae82f5d",
    "resourceType" : "VCENTER",
    "domain" : {
      "domainId" : "b7a9257d-5cef-4e4f-8b64-bdee10b57f02",
      "domainName" : "sddcId-1001",
      "domainType" : "MANAGEMENT"
    "checkSets" : [ {
      "checkSetId" : "vcenter-upgrade-perspective-VCF_5x",
      "checkSetName" : "vCenter upgrade perspective-VCF 5.x",
      "checkSetType" : "UPGRADE"
    } ],
    "extraContext" : {
      "upgradeVersion" : "General Upgrade Readiness",
      "upgradeComponent" : "VCENTER"
  } ]

3. Trigger a run

Trigger a run API is used to trigger a run of the selected check-sets.

3.1. Prerequisites

The following data is required

  • Check-set selection for resources

Tip : Refer to: CheckSetRunInput for the request model.

3.2. Steps

  • Invoke the API. This API returns the result of the last check-sets run.

cURL Request

$ curl '' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....' \
    -d '{
  "queryId" : "99a6a4c1-b853-47a5-bfa6-0d65548b7d76",
  "resources" : [ {
    "resourceName" : "vcenter-1",
    "resourceId" : "6cd757e5-c65e-4ac6-8111-ec7bbae82f5d",
    "resourceType" : "VCENTER",
    "domain" : {
      "domainId" : "b7a9257d-5cef-4e4f-8b64-bdee10b57f02"
    "checkSets" : [ {
      "checkSetId" : "vcenter-upgrade-perspective-VCF_5x"
    } ]
  } ]

HTTP Request

POST /v1/system/check-sets HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Length: 378
Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....

  "queryId" : "99a6a4c1-b853-47a5-bfa6-0d65548b7d76",
  "resources" : [ {
    "resourceName" : "vcenter-1",
    "resourceId" : "6cd757e5-c65e-4ac6-8111-ec7bbae82f5d",
    "resourceType" : "VCENTER",
    "domain" : {
      "domainId" : "b7a9257d-5cef-4e4f-8b64-bdee10b57f02"
    "checkSets" : [ {
      "checkSetId" : "vcenter-upgrade-perspective-VCF_5x"
    } ]
  } ]

HTTP Response

Tip : Refer to: Task for the response model.

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 140

  "id" : "146aaa20-6283-4cd7-8b67-af531a3566b2",
  "name" : "Assess SDDC Domain(s)",
  "type" : "ASSESSMENT",
  "status" : "IN_PROGRESS"

4. Trigger a partial retry

Trigger partial retry API is used to trigger partial retry of a completed check run.

4.1. Prerequisites

The following data is required

  • Spec for check-sets retry

Tip : Refer to: AssessmentPartialRetryInput for the request model.

4.2. Steps

  • Invoke the API. This API returns the result of the last check-sets run.

cURL Request

$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....' \
    -d '{
  "errorIds" : [ "vc-domain-VcManager-vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local-3bb8f01a-3713-4b91-8705-4c95949f96bf-b7a9257d-5cef-4e4f-8b64-bdee10b57f02" ],
  "options" : {
    "discoveryCaching" : "true"

HTTP Request

PATCH /v1/system/check-sets/146aaa20-6283-4cd7-8b67-af531a3566b2 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Length: 201
Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....

  "errorIds" : [ "vc-domain-VcManager-vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local-3bb8f01a-3713-4b91-8705-4c95949f96bf-b7a9257d-5cef-4e4f-8b64-bdee10b57f02" ],
  "options" : {
    "discoveryCaching" : "true"

HTTP Response

Tip : Refer to: Task for the response model.

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 207

  "id" : "5665bb7d-1fba-4823-afd8-71b5ed37eb72",
  "name" : "Retry validations of a set of resources of an already-completed assessment",
  "status" : "IN_PROGRESS"

5. Get run by id

Get run by id API Get the result for a given check run by id.

5.1. Prerequisites

The following data is required

  • runId of the run

  • obfuscate - Only for internal use. Whether the results to be obfuscated or not. Default value: false

  • returnAllArtefacts - Only for internal use. Returns additional debug artefactsin the response payload. Default value: false.

5.2. Steps

  • Invoke the API. This API returns the result of the last check-sets run.

cURL Request

$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....'

HTTP Request

GET /v1/system/check-sets/146aaa20-6283-4cd7-8b67-af531a3566b2 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....

HTTP Response

Tip : Refer to: AssessmentOutput for the response model.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 98330

  "physicalPresentedData" : {
    "id" : "7996756b-b4f2-4ea9-98ff-fa8bb40ececc",
    "type" : "Vsphere",
    "name" : "vSphere",
    "properties" : { },
    "childEntities" : [ {
      "id" : "293fb0d7-91b7-49bf-a167-9b98219c1839",
      "type" : "domain",
      "name" : "sddcId-1001",
      "properties" : { },
      "childEntities" : [ {
        "id" : "299fbeb4-210e-4544-bd9e-52535b4d3b12",
        "type" : "VcManager",
        "name" : "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local",
        "properties" : {
          "storageHealthLevelCheck" : "green",
          "ssoAddress" : "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local",
          "isNameAFqdn" : true,
          "daysUntilPasswordExpires" : 99998.0,
          "certificateNotAfter" : 1.73960387E12,
          "certificateCN" : "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local",
          "areNtpsReachable" : true,
          "certificateExpiresInDays" : 729.0,
          "vumHealth" : "green",
          "ssoDomain" : "vsphere.local",
          "certificateNotBefore" : 1.67648867E12,
          "isHighAvailabilityEnabled" : false,
          "memoryExhaustionDetected" : false,
          "vpxdState" : "STARTED",
          "version" : "8.0.1-21092572",
          "certificateSansHostnamesLowerCase" : [ "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local" ],
          "certificateValid" : true,
          "isFqdnResolvable" : true,
          "memoryExhaustionAlarmEnabled" : true,
          "lookupsvcState" : "STARTED",
          "daysSinceLastMemoryExhaustion" : -1.0,
          "vcEpochSystemTime" : 1.6765530366505032E12,
          "sddcManagerIp" : "",
          "cloudSystemHealthStatus" : "orange",
          "isConnectionHealthy" : true,
          "sddcManagerFqdn" : "",
          "sddcManagerEpochSystemTime" : 1.67655304E12
        "childEntities" : [ {
          "id" : "cf970079-e2de-46b2-b16e-eeb40035d544",
          "type" : "datacenter",
          "name" : "SDDC-Datacenter",
          "properties" : { },
          "childEntities" : [ {
            "id" : "15e84e64-f57d-42d6-becb-d021b54a37ce",
            "type" : "datastore",
            "name" : "sfo01-m01-vsan",
            "properties" : {
              "freeSpace" : 638.0,
              "datastoreType" : "vsan",
              "freeSpacePercentage" : 74.0,
              "capacity" : 858.0
            "childEntities" : [ ],
            "sourceAddress" : "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local",
            "classifications" : [ ]
          }, {
            "id" : "2102f558-701f-4cde-908e-e3eae33e7d72",
            "type" : "dvs",
            "name" : "SDDC-Dswitch-Private",
            "properties" : {
              "iscsiTrafficLevelState" : "low",
              "nfsTrafficLevelState" : "low",
              "vsphereReplicationTrafficLevelState" : "low",
              "dataProtectionTrafficLevelState" : "low",
              "isVlanAndMtuHealthCheckEnabled" : false,
              "isNetworkControlEnabled" : true,
              "vsanTrafficLevelState" : "high",
              "managementTrafficLevelState" : "normal",
              "version" : "8.0.0",
              "moid" : "dvs-16",
              "isTeamingHealthCheckEnabled" : false,
              "vmTrafficLevelState" : "high",
              "MTU" : 8940.0,
              "faultToleranceTrafficLevelState" : "low",
              "vmotionTrafficLevelState" : "low",
              "uplinkPortgroupsCount" : 2.0
            "childEntities" : [ {
              "id" : "05b94733-7eb3-4a6b-bd59-f17ab7ee57bf",
              "type" : "portgroup",
              "name" : "SDDC-DPortGroup-vMotion",
              "properties" : {
                "uplinkTeamingPolicy" : "loadbalance_loadbased",
                "vlanId" : 0.0,
                "isElastic" : true,
                "activeUplinks" : [ "uplink1", "uplink2" ],
                "portBinding" : "earlyBinding",
                "transportType" : "vmotion",
                "standByUplinks" : [ ],
                "moid" : "dvportgroup-20",
                "isUplink" : false
              "childEntities" : [ ],
              "sourceAddress" : "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local",
              "classifications" : [ {
                "type" : "vcfAvnPortgroup",
                "value" : "FALSE",
                "description" : "Is the portgroup specific for AVN or not.",
                "source" : "CLASSIFIER"
              } ]
            }, {
              "id" : "9671487b-04f3-47a9-83ca-a03520f74b30",
              "type" : "portgroup",
              "name" : "SDDC-DPortGroup-VSAN",
              "properties" : {
                "uplinkTeamingPolicy" : "loadbalance_loadbased",
                "vlanId" : 0.0,
                "isElastic" : true,
                "activeUplinks" : [ "uplink1", "uplink2" ],
                "portBinding" : "earlyBinding",
                "transportType" : "vsan",
                "standByUplinks" : [ ],
                "moid" : "dvportgroup-19",
                "isUplink" : false
              "childEntities" : [ ],
              "sourceAddress" : "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local",
              "classifications" : [ {
                "type" : "vcfAvnPortgroup",
                "value" : "FALSE",
                "description" : "Is the portgroup specific for AVN or not.",
                "source" : "CLASSIFIER"
              } ]
            }, {
              "id" : "b3192e0d-90ba-40fa-9c33-f4f2062a8494",
              "type" : "portgroup",
              "name" : "SDDC-Dswitch-Pri-DVUplinks-16",
              "properties" : {
                "uplinkTeamingPolicy" : "loadbalance_srcid",
                "isElastic" : false,
                "activeUplinks" : [ ],
                "portBinding" : "earlyBinding",
                "standByUplinks" : [ ],
                "moid" : "dvportgroup-17",
                "isUplink" : true
              "childEntities" : [ ],
              "sourceAddress" : "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local",
              "classifications" : [ {
                "type" : "vcfAvnPortgroup",
                "value" : "FALSE",
                "description" : "Is the portgroup specific for AVN or not.",
                "source" : "CLASSIFIER"
              } ]
            }, {
              "id" : "54622c12-39ab-4cb9-b34c-8caa2cbbee14",
              "type" : "portgroup",
              "name" : "SDDC-DPortGroup-Mgmt",
              "properties" : {
                "uplinkTeamingPolicy" : "loadbalance_loadbased",
                "vlanId" : 0.0,
                "isElastic" : false,
                "activeUplinks" : [ "uplink1", "uplink2" ],
                "portBinding" : "ephemeral",
                "transportType" : "management",
                "standByUplinks" : [ ],
                "moid" : "dvportgroup-18",
                "isUplink" : false
              "childEntities" : [ ],
              "sourceAddress" : "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local",
              "classifications" : [ {
                "type" : "vcfAvnPortgroup",
                "value" : "FALSE",
                "description" : "Is the portgroup specific for AVN or not.",
                "source" : "CLASSIFIER"
              } ]
            } ],
            "sourceAddress" : "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local",
            "classifications" : [ ]
          }, {
            "id" : "3b6ae3b1-4181-4e9d-8056-ed5bd83852cf",
            "type" : "cluster",
            "name" : "SDDC-Cluster1",
            "properties" : {
              "isVsanStretched" : false,
              "performanceDegradationToleranceState" : 100.0,
              "vsanReleaseCatalogUpToDateStatus" : "green",
              "vsanClusterVersionCompatibilityStatus" : "green",
              "hostsDisconnectedFromVcStatus" : "green",
              "failureToleranceState" : 1.0,
              "vsanClusterConfigConsistencyStatus" : "green",
              "VsanStorageSpaceStatus" : "green",
              "vsanClusterDiskFormatVersionStatus" : "green",
              "moid" : "domain-c8",
              "vsanClusterVcAuthoritativeStatus" : "green",
              "vsanSupportInsightStatus" : "info",
              "vsanClusterMembershipStatus" : "green",
              "vsanPhysicalDiskHeapMemoryPoolsHealth" : "green",
              "vsanBuildRecommendationStatus" : "green",
              "totalCpu" : 76608.0,
              "isAutoComputePercentagesEnabled" : true,
              "hostMonitoringState" : "enabled",
              "clusterAdvancedVsanConfigInSyncStatus" : "green",
              "vsanClusterDaemonLivenessHealthStatus" : "green",
              "vsanHostsDuplicateIpStatus" : "green",
              "vsanPhysicalDiskCongestionStatus" : "green",
              "vsanPhysicalDiskOperationHealth" : "green",
              "vsanEngineHealthStatus" : "green",
              "isDataAtRestEncryptionEnabled" : false,
              "vsanClusterResyncLimitStatus" : "green",
              "vsanNvmeVmwareCertifiedStatus" : "green",
              "isDrsEnabled" : true,
              "vsanControllerDriverVmwareCertifiedStatus" : "green",
              "vsanVmotionMtuConnectivityCheckStatus" : "green",
              "attachedDvses" : [ "SDDC-Dswitch-Private" ],
              "vsanClusterDirectDiskConfigStatus" : "green",
              "hostFailureResponseState" : true,
              "vsanClusterEncryptionHealthStatus" : "green",
              "vsanPhysicalDiskComponentLimitStatus" : "green",
              "vsanObjectHealthStatus" : "green",
              "vsanPhysicalDiskComponentHealth" : "green",
              "vsanObjectFormatHealthStatus" : "green",
              "vsanControllerCertifiedForEsxiStatus" : "green",
              "vsanClusterOverallDiskSpaceUtilizationStatus" : "green",
              "VsanComponentStatus" : "green",
              "vsanHostsVmknicTestStatus" : "green",
              "overallVsanHealthStatus" : "yellow",
              "vsanMtuCheckStatus" : "green",
              "vsanHclDbAgeHealth" : "green",
              "vsanClusterPartitionTestStatus" : "green",
              "networks" : [ "SDDC-DPortGroup-vMotion", "SDDC-DPortGroup-VSAN", "SDDC-Dswitch-Pri-DVUplinks-16", "SDDC-DPortGroup-Mgmt" ],
              "vmStorageProtectionForApdState" : "restartConservative",
              "vsanPhysicalDiskSlabsMemoryPoolsHealth" : "green",
              "vsanHclDbUpToDateStatus" : "yellow",
              "vsanClusterHealthSystemStatus" : "green",
              "vsanPhysicalDiskCapacityStatus" : "green",
              "isVsanNetworkHealthyOverall" : true,
              "drsAutomationLevel" : "fullyAutomated",
              "isVsanObjectHealthVersionCompliant" : true,
              "vsanUnicastConnectivityCheckStatus" : "green",
              "vmStorageProtectionForPdlState" : "restartAggressive",
              "vsanScsiVmwareCertifiedStatus" : "yellow",
              "isClusterStretchedInVcfInventory" : false,
              "vsanControllerDiskGroupModeVmwareCertifiedStatus" : "green",
              "isHaEnabled" : true,
              "vsanAutoHclUpdateStatus" : "green",
              "vsanNetworkLatencyCheckStatus" : "green",
              "hostIsolationResponseState" : "powerOff",
              "vsanWhatIfMostConsumedHostFailsStatus" : "green",
              "vsanPerformanceServiceStatus" : "yellow",
              "vsanOverallLimitsHealthy" : true,
              "vsanClusterTimeSyncHostsAndVcStatus" : "green",
              "vsanMaxComponentSizeStatus" : "yellow",
              "datastores" : [ "sfo01-m01-vsan" ],
              "vsanHostsLacpIssuesStatus" : "green",
              "isClusterKnownToSddcManager" : true,
              "vsanClusterDiskBalanceStatus" : "yellow",
              "vsanControllerFirmwareVmwareCertifiedStatus" : "green",
              "totalMemory" : 3.35541878784E11,
              "vmMonitoringState" : "vmMonitoringOnly",
              "vsanHostsPnicTsoIssuesStatus" : "green",
              "vsanPnicConsistencyStatus" : "green",
              "isVsanEnabled" : true,
              "vsanNvmeIdentifiableStatus" : "green",
              "hostsWithConnectivityIssuesStatus" : "green",
              "vsanClusterExtendedConfigSyncStatus" : "green",
              "vsanVmotionUnicastConnectivityCheckStatus" : "green"
            "childEntities" : [ {
              "id" : "bc6b0ba8-a00a-48fd-af2d-907ab0f9ce89",
              "type" : "resourcePool",
              "name" : "Mgmt-ResourcePool",
              "properties" : {
                "cpuShares" : "high",
                "memoryShares" : "normal",
                "moid" : "resgroup-29",
                "memoryReservation" : 0.0
              "childEntities" : [ ],
              "sourceAddress" : "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local",
              "classifications" : [ ]
            }, {
              "id" : "eb93ce9b-3f21-4857-99c9-37ed43ac95b1",
              "type" : "resourcePool",
              "name" : "Network-ResourcePool",
              "properties" : {
                "cpuShares" : "high",
                "memoryShares" : "normal",
                "moid" : "resgroup-30",
                "memoryReservation" : 0.0
              "childEntities" : [ ],
              "sourceAddress" : "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local",
              "classifications" : [ ]
            }, {
              "id" : "5f0a2a6f-1523-4a24-92fb-3f81121063d9",
              "type" : "resourcePool",
              "name" : "Compute-ResourcePool",
              "properties" : {
                "cpuShares" : "normal",
                "memoryShares" : "normal",
                "moid" : "resgroup-31",
                "memoryReservation" : 0.0
              "childEntities" : [ ],
              "sourceAddress" : "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local",
              "classifications" : [ ]
            }, {
              "id" : "8d37ec06-ce02-4355-b98d-68c927c61b7b",
              "type" : "resourcePool",
              "name" : "User-RP",
              "properties" : {
                "cpuShares" : "normal",
                "memoryShares" : "normal",
                "moid" : "resgroup-32",
                "memoryReservation" : 0.0
              "childEntities" : [ ],
              "sourceAddress" : "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local",
              "classifications" : [ ]
            }, {
              "id" : "7e65ba76-8a5d-469f-8e50-ceb197cfa1ba",
              "type" : "host",
              "name" : "esxi-1.vrack.vsphere.local",
              "properties" : {
                "isLockdownModeEnabled" : false,
                "vsanWitnessNicsCount" : 0.0,
                "subnet" : "",
                "configStatus" : "green",
                "moid" : "host-11",
                "isHostnameFqdn" : true,
                "certificateNotAfter" : 1.834169802E12,
                "vsanNicsCount" : 1.0,
                "isNtpRunning" : true,
                "ntpDelay" : 0.0,
                "ManagementVmIp" : "",
                "isVpxaRunning" : true,
                "dataMigrationWhatIfPrecheckEnsureAccessStatus" : true,
                "hardwareModel" : "VMware Virtual Platform",
                "numCpuPkgs" : 8.0,
                "ManagementVmHostname" : "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local",
                "overallCpuUsage" : 2281.0,
                "ip" : "",
                "isSshRunning" : true,
                "version" : "8.0.1-21086708",
                "certificateSansHostnamesLowerCase" : [ "esxi-1.vrack.vsphere.local" ],
                "hardwareVendor" : "VMware, Inc.",
                "certificateValid" : true,
                "isFqdnResolvable" : true,
                "nfsNicsCount" : 0.0,
                "isConnectionHealthy" : true,
                "vmotionNicsCount" : 1.0,
                "numCpuCores" : 8.0,
                "isRebootRequired" : false,
                "pnicsDisconnectedFromDvsCount" : 0.0,
                "numberOfAgentVMs" : 0.0,
                "isHostConnected" : true,
                "managementNicsCount" : 1.0,
                "vsanVmkNames" : [ "vmk2" ],
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        "source" : "CLASSIFIER"
      }, {
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        "source" : "CLASSIFIER"
      }, {
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      } ]
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      "value" : "VSRN",
      "description" : "The environment type, can be one of [VXRAIL, VSRN]",
      "source" : "CLASSIFIER"
    } ]
  "presentedArtifactsMap" : {
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      "criticalGapsCount" : 4.0,
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      "successfulValidationsCount" : 24.0,
      "silencedValidationsCount" : 0.0
    } ],
    "pre-check-metadata-json" : {
      "targetVersion" : "GENERAL_UPGRADE_READINESS",
      "componentCount" : 0.0
  "validationResult" : {
    "arguments" : [ null ],
    "context" : {
      "severity" : "ERROR",
      "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022",
      "resourceType" : "Vsphere"
    "message" : "Target state validation for target state with id null",
    "nestedErrors" : [ {
      "errorCode" : "",
      "arguments" : [ null, "vSphere", "Vsphere" ],
      "context" : {
        "severity" : "INFO",
        "entityName" : "vSphere",
        "entityType" : "Vsphere",
        "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
      "message" : "Entity resource state validation with resource state definition id null for entity vSphere of type Vsphere succeeded",
      "nestedErrors" : [ {
        "errorCode" : "",
        "arguments" : [ "value == 1", "vSphere", "Vsphere", null, "1" ],
        "context" : {
          "severity" : "INFO",
          "validationName" : "Verify vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local topology",
          "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
          "description" : "Validate the number of resources matching definition 'null' with condition value == 1",
          "value" : "1",
          "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
          "isSilenceable" : "false",
          "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
        "message" : "The number of resources matching definition 'null' is correct. Count 1, condition value == 1"
      } ]
    }, {
      "arguments" : [ "vc-domain-VcManager-vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local-3bb8f01a-3713-4b91-8705-4c95949f96bf-b7a9257d-5cef-4e4f-8b64-bdee10b57f02" ],
      "context" : {
        "severity" : "ERROR",
        "description" : "vCenter vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local",
        "id" : "vc-domain-VcManager-vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local-3bb8f01a-3713-4b91-8705-4c95949f96bf-b7a9257d-5cef-4e4f-8b64-bdee10b57f02",
        "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022",
        "resourceType" : "domain"
      "message" : "Target state validation for target state with id vc-domain-VcManager-vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local-3bb8f01a-3713-4b91-8705-4c95949f96bf-b7a9257d-5cef-4e4f-8b64-bdee10b57f02",
      "nestedErrors" : [ {
        "arguments" : [ null, "sddcId-1001", "domain" ],
        "context" : {
          "severity" : "ERROR",
          "entityName" : "sddcId-1001",
          "entityType" : "domain",
          "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
        "message" : "Entity resource state validation with resource state definition id null for entity sddcId-1001 of type domain failed",
        "nestedErrors" : [ {
          "errorCode" : "BASELINER_VALIDATION_ERROR",
          "arguments" : [ "NATIVE", "Dynamic", "sddcId-1001", "domain" ],
          "context" : {
            "severity" : "ERROR",
            "description" : "Validates that the SDDC-Manager products are compatible with the vCenter upgrade",
            "validationName" : "assessment-compatibility-validator",
            "validationStatus" : "INTERNAL_ERROR",
            "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
            "isSilenceable" : "false",
            "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
          "message" : "Native validator with name 'assessment-compatibility-validator' failed internally",
          "remediationMessage" : "Validator evaluation failed with internal error. Please contact VMware support"
        }, {
          "errorCode" : "",
          "arguments" : [ "value == 1", "sddcId-1001", "domain", null, "1" ],
          "context" : {
            "severity" : "INFO",
            "validationName" : "Verify vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local topology",
            "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
            "description" : "Validate the number of resources matching definition 'vCenter' with condition value == 1",
            "value" : "1",
            "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
            "isSilenceable" : "false",
            "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
          "message" : "The number of resources matching definition 'vCenter' is correct. Count 1, condition value == 1"
        } ]
      }, {
        "arguments" : [ "vcenter-VcManager-vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local-3bb8f01a-3713-4b91-8705-4c95949f96bf-b7a9257d-5cef-4e4f-8b64-bdee10b57f02" ],
        "context" : {
          "severity" : "ERROR",
          "description" : "vCenter",
          "id" : "vcenter-VcManager-vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local-3bb8f01a-3713-4b91-8705-4c95949f96bf-b7a9257d-5cef-4e4f-8b64-bdee10b57f02",
          "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022",
          "resourceType" : "VcManager"
        "message" : "Target state validation for target state with id vcenter-VcManager-vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local-3bb8f01a-3713-4b91-8705-4c95949f96bf-b7a9257d-5cef-4e4f-8b64-bdee10b57f02",
        "nestedErrors" : [ {
          "arguments" : [ null, "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
          "context" : {
            "severity" : "ERROR",
            "entityName" : "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local",
            "entityType" : "VcManager",
            "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022",
            "resourceStateDescription" : "vCenter"
          "message" : "Entity resource state validation with resource state definition id null for entity vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local of type VcManager failed",
          "nestedErrors" : [ {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "Dynamic", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Validate to make sure there is enough capacity for placing a new vCenter VM.",
              "validationName" : "vCenter upgrade capacity",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "There is enough capacity in the primary management cluster for upgrade"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "Dynamic", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Verifies the vm vcenter-1 running in vcenter vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local has at least 30GB free space on path /",
              "validationName" : "vcenter-1 vm free space",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "VM vcenter-1 has 35GB free space on /"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "BASELINER_CONSTRAINT_VALIDATION.error",
            "arguments" : [ "Dynamic", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "ERROR",
              "description" : "Checks if bundle of type VCENTER with upgrade version GENERAL_UPGRADE_READINESS is downloaded to the SDDC Manager",
              "validationName" : "Upgrade bundle download status",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_FAILED",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "Could not find bundle for VCENTER upgrade to version GENERAL_UPGRADE_READINESS",
            "remediationMessage" : "Ensure the bundle is downloaded successfully"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "Dynamic", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Performing vCenter root account lock check",
              "validationName" : "vCenter root account",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "vCenter root account is accessible"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "PYTHON", "/opt/vmware/vcf/operationsmanager/scripts/assessment/common-validations/", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "externalValidatorType" : "PYTHON",
              "validationName" : "vSphere SHA-1 validation",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "validatorDefinitionId" : "vSphere-sha1-vsphere-validation-runner1.0.0",
              "validationMessage" : "vSphere SHA-1 validation is successful",
              "description" : "Checks if SHA-1 certificate is present in the vCenter",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "externalValidationPath" : "/opt/vmware/vcf/operationsmanager/scripts/assessment/common-validations/",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "vSphere SHA-1 validation is successful",
            "remediationMessage" : ""
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "value >= 1", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager", null, "1" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "validationName" : "Verify vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local topology",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "description" : "Validate the number of resources matching definition 'vCenter Distributed Virtual Switch' with condition value >= 1",
              "value" : "1",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "The number of resources matching definition 'vCenter Distributed Virtual Switch' is correct. Count 1, condition value >= 1"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "sourceAddress == ssoAddress", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Check if vCenter is using embedded PSC",
              "validationName" : "Embedded PSC",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "vCenter is using embedded Platform Services Controller"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "certificateCN.equalsIgnoreCase(name) || certificateSansHostnamesLowerCase.contains(name.toLowerCase())", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Check if vCenter certificate CN/SAN is valid",
              "validationName" : "vCenter certificate CN/SAN",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "WARNING",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "vCenter certificate CN or SANs are valid"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "certificateValid == true", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Check if vCenter certificate is valid",
              "validationName" : "vCenter certificate",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "vCenter certificate is valid"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "certificateValid == true && certificateExpiresInDays != null && certificateExpiresInDays > 30.0", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Check if vCenter certificate is expired",
              "validationName" : "vCenter certificate expiry",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "vCenter certificate will be valid during the next 30.0 days"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "isNameAFqdn == true", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Check if vCenter name is a FQDN",
              "validationName" : "vCenter name",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "WARNING",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "vCenter name is a FQDN"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "isFqdnResolvable == true", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Check if vCenter FQDN is resolvable",
              "validationName" : "vCenter FQDN resolvable",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "WARNING",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "vCenter name FQDN is resolvable"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "daysUntilPasswordExpires > 7.0", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Check if vCenter password is expired",
              "validationName" : "vCenter password expiry",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "WARNING",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "vCenter password expires in more than 7.0 days"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "daysUntilPasswordExpires != -1", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "vCenter root password expiry",
              "validationName" : "Root password",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "vCenter root password is not expired"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "BASELINER_CONSTRAINT_VALIDATION.error",
            "arguments" : [ "backupStatus == 'SUCCEEDED'", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "ERROR",
              "description" : "Check if there is vCenter backup",
              "validationName" : "vCenter backup",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_FAILED",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "Could not find a successful vCenter backup",
            "remediationMessage" : "Please perform a vCenter backup"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "BASELINER_CONSTRAINT_VALIDATION.error",
            "arguments" : [ "backupStatus == 'SUCCEEDED' && backupDays != null && backupDays < 1.0", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "ERROR",
              "description" : "Check vCenter backup age",
              "validationName" : "vCenter backup age",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_FAILED",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "Could not find a recent vCenter backup. This is a critical error if backup is not within the last 3.0 day(s) and a warning if backup is not within the last 1.0 day(s)",
            "remediationMessage" : "Please perform a vCenter backup"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "backupLocation == null || (!backupLocation.contains(sddcManagerIp) && !backupLocation.contains(sddcManagerFqdn))", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Check vCenter backup location",
              "validationName" : "vCenter backup location",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "vCenter backup is not located on SDDC Manager"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "storageHealthLevelCheck == 'green' || storageHealthLevelCheck == 'yellow'", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Check if vCenter storage is healthy",
              "validationName" : "vCenter storage health",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "vCenter root partition storage health check passed successfully"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "BASELINER_CONSTRAINT_VALIDATION.warning",
            "arguments" : [ "cloudSystemHealthStatus == 'green' || cloudSystemHealthStatus == 'yellow'", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "WARNING",
              "description" : "Check if vCenter cloud system is healthy",
              "validationName" : "vCenter cloud system health",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_FAILED",
              "importanceLevel" : "WARNING",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "vCenter cloud system health check failed",
            "remediationMessage" : "Before continuing, check cloud system health check, and fix parity"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "areNtpsReachable == true", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Check if vCenter connected NTPs are all reachable",
              "validationName" : "vCenter NTP",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "vCenter connected NTPs are all reachable"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "T(java.lang.Math).abs(vcEpochSystemTime - sddcManagerEpochSystemTime) < 45.0 * 1000", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Check time difference between vCenter and SDDC Manager",
              "validationName" : "vCenter to SDDC Manager time difference",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "Time difference between vCenter and SDDC Manager is within acceptable limit of 45.0 seconds"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "lookupsvcState == 'STARTED'", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Check if lookup service is started",
              "validationName" : "Lookup service availability",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "Lookup Service is started"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "vpxdState == 'STARTED'", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Check if vpxd service is started",
              "validationName" : "Vpxd service availability",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "vCenter vpxd service is started"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "memoryExhaustionDetected == false || (daysSinceLastMemoryExhaustion > 30.0)", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Check vCenter memory exhaustion",
              "validationName" : "vCenter memory exhaustion",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "WARNING",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "vCenter memory exhaustion check passed successfully"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "memoryExhaustionAlarmEnabled == true", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Check if vCenter memory exhaustion alarm is enabled",
              "validationName" : "vCenter memory exhaustion alarm enabled",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "WARNING",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "vCenter memory exhaustion alarm is enabled"
          }, {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ "isConnectionHealthy == true", "vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local", "VcManager" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "description" : "Check if a connection to vCenter can be established",
              "validationName" : "vCenter connection",
              "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
              "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
              "isSilenceable" : "false",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
            "message" : "vCenter connection successfully established"
          } ]
        }, {
          "arguments" : [ "dvs-VcManager-vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local-3bb8f01a-3713-4b91-8705-4c95949f96bf-b7a9257d-5cef-4e4f-8b64-bdee10b57f02" ],
          "context" : {
            "severity" : "INFO",
            "description" : "Distributed Virtual Switches",
            "id" : "dvs-VcManager-vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local-3bb8f01a-3713-4b91-8705-4c95949f96bf-b7a9257d-5cef-4e4f-8b64-bdee10b57f02",
            "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022",
            "resourceType" : "dvs"
          "message" : "Target state validation for target state with id dvs-VcManager-vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local-3bb8f01a-3713-4b91-8705-4c95949f96bf-b7a9257d-5cef-4e4f-8b64-bdee10b57f02",
          "nestedErrors" : [ {
            "errorCode" : "",
            "arguments" : [ null, "SDDC-Dswitch-Private", "dvs" ],
            "context" : {
              "severity" : "INFO",
              "entityName" : "SDDC-Dswitch-Private",
              "entityType" : "dvs",
              "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022",
              "resourceStateDescription" : "vCenter Distributed Virtual Switch"
            "message" : "Entity resource state validation with resource state definition id null for entity SDDC-Dswitch-Private of type dvs succeeded",
            "nestedErrors" : [ {
              "errorCode" : "",
              "arguments" : [ "#isVersionGreaterOrEqual(version, '7.0.0')", "SDDC-Dswitch-Private", "dvs" ],
              "context" : {
                "severity" : "INFO",
                "description" : "Checks if DVS needs upgrade",
                "validationName" : "DVS upgrade",
                "validationStatus" : "VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL",
                "importanceLevel" : "CRITICAL",
                "isSilenceable" : "false",
                "validation.taskId" : "7f000001-8656-136c-8186-5a58cc510022"
              "message" : "DVS version is compatible with the vCenter upgrade"
            } ]
          } ]
        } ]
      } ]
    } ]
  "discoveryProgress" : {
    "progressMessages" : [ "Step 1 of 24: ValidateTargetStateSpecAction: [Validating assessment target state specification]", "Step 2 of 24: ValidateTargetStateSpecNativeValidatorsAction: []", "Step 3 of 24: ProxyContractAction: []", "Step 4 of 24: ProcessAuditAction: [Processing initial validation results]", "Step 5 of 24: LoadAssessmentTargetStateAction: [Loading assessment target state specification]", "Step 6 of 24: InitBaselinerCachesAction: [Set up assessment cache]", "Step 7 of 24: InitializeConnectionCacheAction: [Set up product connections cache, Sub-step 1 of 8: set up connection to product of type SDDC_API_4x with IP sddc-manager.vrack.vsphere.local, Sub-step 2 of 8: set up connection to product of type VCENTER with IP vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local, Sub-step 3 of 8: set up connection to product of type VSAN with IP vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local, Sub-step 4 of 8: set up connection to product of type ESXI_SSH with IP esxi-1.vrack.vsphere.local, Sub-step 5 of 8: set up connection to product of type ESXI_SSH with IP esxi-2.vrack.vsphere.local, Sub-step 6 of 8: set up connection to product of type ESXI_SSH with IP esxi-3.vrack.vsphere.local, Sub-step 7 of 8: set up connection to product of type ESXI_SSH with IP esxi-4.vrack.vsphere.local, Sub-step 8 of 8: set up connection to product of type NSXT with IP vip-nsx-mgmt.vrack.vsphere.local]", "Step 8 of 24: InitializeDomainEntitiesAction: [Set up domain assessment objects, Sub-step 1 of 1: set up domain assessment object for domain with name sddcId-1001 and type MANAGEMENT]", "Step 9 of 24: BuildSubTreeAction: [Sub-step 1 of 1: building tree for entity of type domain from sourceAddress null]", "Step 10 of 24: BuildVsphereEntityAction: [Unify all assessment domain objects]", "Step 11 of 24: AddMoreInfoAction: [Adding provided assessment input (if any)]", "Step 12 of 24: UpdatePropertiesOfEntitiesAction: [Assessing object vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local, Assessing object vip-nsx-mgmt.vrack.vsphere.local, Assessing object sddc-manager.vrack.vsphere.local, Assessing object esxi-1.vrack.vsphere.local, Assessing object esxi-2.vrack.vsphere.local, Assessing object esxi-3.vrack.vsphere.local, Assessing object esxi-4.vrack.vsphere.local]", "Step 13 of 24: ClassifyEntitiesAction: [Classify with roles all assessment objects]", "Step 14 of 24: PutDomainsInCacheAction: [Persisting domains assessment information in the cache]", "Step 15 of 24: ClearBaselinerCachesAction: [Cleaning up caches from the assessment run]", "Step 16 of 24: ProxyContractAction: []", "Step 17 of 24: ValidateDiscoveredDataAction: []", "Step 18 of 24: ApplyTargetStateDeltaFiltersAction: [Filter out not needed assessment objects]", "Step 19 of 24: PresentDiscoveredDataAction: [Generating assessment artifacts, Sub-step 1 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-response, Sub-step 2 of 15: presenting assessment artifact report-errors-html, Sub-step 3 of 15: presenting assessment artifact report-html, Sub-step 4 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-csv, Sub-step 5 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-csv-by-domain-id, Sub-step 6 of 15: presenting assessment artifact data-summaries-plain-text, Sub-step 7 of 15: presenting assessment artifact data-summaries, Sub-step 8 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-domain-summary, Sub-step 9 of 15: presenting assessment artifact performance-metrics, Sub-step 10 of 15: presenting assessment artifact target-state-delta, Sub-step 11 of 15: presenting assessment artifact entity-ids-by-matching-ts-id, Sub-step 12 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-uml, Sub-step 13 of 15: presenting assessment artifact discovery-uml-format, Sub-step 14 of 15: presenting assessment artifact metadata-json, Sub-step 15 of 15: presenting assessment artifact pre-check-metadata-json, Generating assessment artifacts, Sub-step 1 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-response, Sub-step 2 of 15: presenting assessment artifact report-errors-html, Sub-step 3 of 15: presenting assessment artifact report-html, Sub-step 4 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-csv, Sub-step 5 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-csv-by-domain-id, Sub-step 6 of 15: presenting assessment artifact data-summaries-plain-text, Sub-step 7 of 15: presenting assessment artifact data-summaries, Sub-step 8 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-domain-summary, Sub-step 9 of 15: presenting assessment artifact performance-metrics, Sub-step 10 of 15: presenting assessment artifact target-state-delta, Sub-step 11 of 15: presenting assessment artifact entity-ids-by-matching-ts-id, Sub-step 12 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-uml, Sub-step 13 of 15: presenting assessment artifact discovery-uml-format, Sub-step 14 of 15: presenting assessment artifact metadata-json, Sub-step 15 of 15: presenting assessment artifact pre-check-metadata-json]", "Step 20 of 24: CallExternalEntityPresentersAction: [Generating assessment artifacts from second parties]", "Step 21 of 24: ObfuscateEntitiesAction: [Obfuscating sensitive data in the assessment results]", "Step 22 of 24: ObfuscateExternalValidationResponseAction: [Obfuscating sensitive data in the external assessment results]", "Step 23 of 24: PresentDiscoveredDataAction: [Generating assessment artifacts, Sub-step 1 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-response, Sub-step 2 of 15: presenting assessment artifact report-errors-html, Sub-step 3 of 15: presenting assessment artifact report-html, Sub-step 4 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-csv, Sub-step 5 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-csv-by-domain-id, Sub-step 6 of 15: presenting assessment artifact data-summaries-plain-text, Sub-step 7 of 15: presenting assessment artifact data-summaries, Sub-step 8 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-domain-summary, Sub-step 9 of 15: presenting assessment artifact performance-metrics, Sub-step 10 of 15: presenting assessment artifact target-state-delta, Sub-step 11 of 15: presenting assessment artifact entity-ids-by-matching-ts-id, Sub-step 12 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-uml, Sub-step 13 of 15: presenting assessment artifact discovery-uml-format, Sub-step 14 of 15: presenting assessment artifact metadata-json, Sub-step 15 of 15: presenting assessment artifact pre-check-metadata-json, Generating assessment artifacts, Sub-step 1 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-response, Sub-step 2 of 15: presenting assessment artifact report-errors-html, Sub-step 3 of 15: presenting assessment artifact report-html, Sub-step 4 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-csv, Sub-step 5 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-csv-by-domain-id, Sub-step 6 of 15: presenting assessment artifact data-summaries-plain-text, Sub-step 7 of 15: presenting assessment artifact data-summaries, Sub-step 8 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-domain-summary, Sub-step 9 of 15: presenting assessment artifact performance-metrics, Sub-step 10 of 15: presenting assessment artifact target-state-delta, Sub-step 11 of 15: presenting assessment artifact entity-ids-by-matching-ts-id, Sub-step 12 of 15: presenting assessment artifact validation-uml, Sub-step 13 of 15: presenting assessment artifact discovery-uml-format, Sub-step 14 of 15: presenting assessment artifact metadata-json, Sub-step 15 of 15: presenting assessment artifact pre-check-metadata-json]", "Step 24 of 24: PersistBaselinerSummaryAction: []" ],
    "percentageComplete" : 100
  "timestamp" : "2023-02-23T13:33:10.444Z",
  "completionTimestamp" : "2023-02-23T13:33:10.444Z"

Last updated 2023-09-23 19:05:04 -0700

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