Trusted Certificates APIs
APIs for managing Trusted Certificates
Table of Contents
1. Add trusted certificate to the SDDC Manager
1.1. Prerequisites
- VCF environment.
1.2. Steps
- Invoke the API.
cURL Request
$ curl '' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{
"certificate" : "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n ... \n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"certificateUsageType" : "TRUSTED_FOR_OUTBOUND"
$ curl '' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{
"certificate" : "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n ... \n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"certificateUsageType" : "TRUSTED_FOR_INBOUND"
HTTP Request
POST /v1/sddc-manager/trusted-certificates HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Length: 136
"certificate" : "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n ... \n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"certificateUsageType" : "TRUSTED_FOR_OUTBOUND"
POST /v1/sddc-manager/trusted-certificates HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Length: 135
"certificate" : "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n ... \n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"certificateUsageType" : "TRUSTED_FOR_INBOUND"
HTTP Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Tip : Refer to: Add trusted certificate to the SDDC manager API
2. Get the trusted certificates from the SDDC manager
2.1. Prerequisites
- VCF environment.
2.2. Steps
- Invoke the API.
cURL Request
Unresolved directive in usecases/get_trustedCertificates.adoc - include::../applianceUtilities/get_trusted_certificates_v1/curl-request.adoc[]
HTTP Request
Unresolved directive in usecases/get_trustedCertificates.adoc - include::../applianceUtilities/get_trusted_certificates_v1/http-request.adoc[]
HTTP Response
Unresolved directive in usecases/get_trustedCertificates.adoc - include::../applianceUtilities/get_trusted_certificates_v1/http-response.adoc[]
Tip : Refer to: Get the trusted certificates from the SDDC manager API
3. Delete a trusted certificate from the SDDC manager
3.1. Prerequisites
- VCF environment.
3.2. Steps
- Invoke the API.
cURL Request
Unresolved directive in usecases/delete_trustedCertificate.adoc - include::../applianceUtilities/delete_trusted_certificate_v1/curl-request.adoc[]
HTTP Request
Unresolved directive in usecases/delete_trustedCertificate.adoc - include::../applianceUtilities/delete_trusted_certificate_v1/http-request.adoc[]
HTTP Response
Unresolved directive in usecases/delete_trustedCertificate.adoc - include::../applianceUtilities/delete_trusted_certificate_v1/http-response.adoc[]
Tip : Refer to: Delete a trusted certificate from the SDDC manager API
Last updated 2023-04-27 11:11:39 PDT