This specification contains the parameters required to add one or more vSphere hosts to an existing cluster in a workload domain
"forceHostAdditionInPresenceofDeadHosts": false,
"hostSpecs": [
"azName": "string",
"hostName": "string",
"hostNetworkSpec": {
"vmNics": [
"id": "string",
"moveToNvds": false,
"uplink": "string",
"vdsName": "string"
"id": "string",
"ipAddress": "string",
"licenseKey": "string",
"password": "string",
"serialNumber": "string",
"sshThumbprint": "string",
"username": "string"
"interRackExpansion": false,
"skipThumbprintValidation": false,
"vsanNetworkSpecs": [
"vsanCidr": "string",
"vsanGatewayIP": "string"
"witnessSpec": {
"fqdn": "string",
"vsanCidr": "string",
"vsanIp": "string"
"witnessTrafficSharedWithVsanTraffic": false
Use to add host to a cluster with dead host(s). Bypasses validation of disconnected hosts and vSAN cluster health. Review recovery plan VMware Support before using. False if omitted. This property is deprecated and it has no effect when using it.
List of vSphere host information from the free pool to consume in the workload domain
Is inter-rack cluster(true for L2 non-uniform and L3 : At least one of management, uplink, Edge and host TEP networks is different for hosts of the cluster, false for L2 uniform : All hosts in cluster have identical management, uplink, Edge and host TEP networks) expansion. Required, only if Cluster contains NSX-T Edge Cluster
Skip thumbprint validation for ESXi hosts during add host operation. This property is deprecated.
Spec contains the Witness host parameters that are part of each stretched cluster
Witness traffic to be shared with vSAN traffic