Reverse Vm Replication
This request executes reverse operation for the specified VM replication. The reversed VM replication must be recovered by using a failover or a planned migration. The disks of the source VM are used as seeds. Then the original source VM is removed.
Cloud VM-level replication identifier
Optional site to run the operation on. When omitted, defaults to the local site.
Operation ID for correlating logs across multiple services
"endTime": 1499929558827,
"error": {
"args": [],
"code": "Forbidden",
"msg": "Permission denied.",
"stacktrace": "com.vmware.h4.api.error.exceptions.PermissionDeniedException: Permission denied."
"id": "f61d60d2-698a-46dc-a266-88df27644956",
"lastUpdated": 1499929558827,
"progress": 100,
"result": {
"destination": {
"destinationCatalogItemId": "0221b98b-b91c-4524-a491-f744f67bffbe",
"org": "org2",
"recoveredVappId": "null",
"site": "site2",
"vdcId": "5ee9224f-305d-46f6-865f-b605e70acef8",
"vdcName": "Virtual DC 2"
"source": {
"vappName": "vApp1"
"vappReplicationId": "C4VAPP-ccbe771e-b685-46c7-8c7a-4ed36915d963"
"resultType": "string",
"site": "site2",
"startTime": 1499929548951,
"state": "string",
"user": "root",
"warnings": [],
"workflowInfo": {}
Timestamp in msec of the completion time of the task. -1 indicates that the task did not complete yet.
The unique identifier of the long-running task. It is unique and can be used for monitoring.
Timestamp in msec of the last task status update.
Percentage-based progress of the task.
Indicates the type of the task result. Populates only when the execution succeeds.
Site on which the task runs.
Timestamp in msec of the creation time of the task.
The user who started the task.
The returned error codes include (but are not limited to): NotAuthenticated, RemoteAuthenticationFailure
"args": [],
"code": "Forbidden",
"msg": "Permission denied.",
"stacktrace": "com.vmware.h4.api.error.exceptions.PermissionDeniedException: Permission denied."
Positional arguments.
Specific error code.
Detailed error message.
Exception stacktrace.
The returned error codes include (but are not limited to): SiteNotFound
"args": [],
"code": "Forbidden",
"msg": "Permission denied.",
"stacktrace": "com.vmware.h4.api.error.exceptions.PermissionDeniedException: Permission denied."
Positional arguments.
Specific error code.
Detailed error message.
Exception stacktrace.
The returned error codes include (but are not limited to): GeneralServerFailure
"args": [],
"code": "Forbidden",
"msg": "Permission denied.",
"stacktrace": "com.vmware.h4.api.error.exceptions.PermissionDeniedException: Permission denied."
Positional arguments.
Specific error code.
Detailed error message.
Exception stacktrace.