"bridgeOrgVdcNetworks": [
"id": "3d2fe641-28a4-40b4-9b5b-1c0e00ecd92d",
"name": "network1"
"bulkConnectVmNics": true,
"copySourceNetworks": true,
"networkMappings": [
"destinationOrgVdcNetwork": {
"id": "3d2fe641-28a4-40b4-9b5b-1c0e00ecd92d",
"name": "network1"
"sourceNetworkName": "ext_net_vdc_s1Org",
"sourceOrgVdcNetwork": {
"id": "3d2fe641-28a4-40b4-9b5b-1c0e00ecd92d",
"name": "network1"
"resolutionType": "EXPLICIT"
Organization Virtual Datacenter Networks which the vApp to bridge to.
Specifies whether to connect all VM NICs to single orgVdcNetwork. It cannot be specified in combination with vmNetworkSettings.
Specifies whether to copy source network. If no explicit network mappings are specified, this flag also indicates whether to read and use the network settings stored as part of the replication configuration.
If the vApp has networks connected to Organization Virtual Datacenter network, this mapping specifies which should be used.
Signifies how these network settings were obtained. Whether they were automatically derived or explicitly configured. Read-only, ignored on update.