Config Vcd
This request configures the service to use the given VMware Cloud Director's API endpoint.
Operation ID for correlating logs across multiple services
VMware Cloud Director configuration request.
"vcdPassword": "somepassword",
"vcdThumbprint": "SHA-256:D3:A3:4B:1F:B6:42:AB:F9:D6:FF:D5:AB:F4:14:9F:B5:F8:3B:E7:42:09:53:2D:6E:28:32:28:CE:B3:CB:DB:2A",
"vcdUrl": "https://vcdaddr:443/api",
"vcdUsername": "root@System"
The VMware Cloud Director system account password.
The thumbprint of the VMware Cloud Director API endpoint. When present, the certificate of VMware Cloud Director will be trusted if its thumbprint matches the thumbprint given here. When omitted, full certificate verification is performed when connecting to VMware Cloud Director.
The URL API endpoint of the VMware Cloud Director.
The VMware Cloud Director system account username.
"id": "3b0f0539-869d-4e37-8005-e1c6f01a2ef3",
"lsThumbprint": "SHA-256:8F:96:C8:A4:59:75:42:CE:6B:5E:E2:7A:D5:CF:05:E5:FB:39:89:C2:A5:6C:0E:92:D7:AF:6C:F7:38:E3:8C:E4",
"lsUrl": "",
"localSite": "site1",
"localSiteDescription": "site1 descirption",
"vcdUrl": "https://vcdaddr:443/api",
"vcdThumbprint": "SHA-256:D3:A3:4B:1F:B6:42:AB:F9:D6:FF:D5:AB:F4:14:9F:B5:F8:3B:E7:42:09:53:2D:6E:28:32:28:CE:B3:CB:DB:2A",
"vcdUsername": "root@System",
"isCombined": false
The returned error codes include (but are not limited to): NotAuthenticated
"args": [],
"code": "Forbidden",
"msg": "Permission denied.",
"stacktrace": "com.vmware.h4.api.error.exceptions.PermissionDeniedException: Permission denied."
Positional arguments.
Specific error code.
Detailed error message.
Exception stacktrace.
The returned error codes include (but are not limited to): GeneralServerFailure
"args": [],
"code": "Forbidden",
"msg": "Permission denied.",
"stacktrace": "com.vmware.h4.api.error.exceptions.PermissionDeniedException: Permission denied."
Positional arguments.
Specific error code.
Detailed error message.
Exception stacktrace.