This request returns the details for the specified vApp replication.
The vApp Replication unique identifier
Operation ID for correlating logs across multiple services
"descriptor": {
"description": "vapp description in VMware Cloud Director",
"metadata": {},
"name": "my vapp 1",
"networks": [
"dhcpService": {
"defaultLeaseTime": 0,
"domainName": "string",
"ipRange": {
"endAddress": "string",
"startAddress": "string"
"isEnabled": false,
"maxLeaseTime": 0,
"primaryNameServer": "string",
"routerIp": "string",
"secondaryNameServer": "string",
"subMask": "string"
"fenceMode": "string",
"firewallService": {
"IsEnabled": false,
"defaultAction": "string",
"firewallRules": [
"description": "string",
"destinationIp": "string",
"destinationPortRange": "string",
"destinationVm": {
"ipType": "string",
"vmName": "string",
"vmNicId": 0
"direction": "string",
"enableLogging": false,
"icmpSubType": "string",
"id": "string",
"isEnabled": false,
"matchOnTranslate": false,
"policy": "string",
"port": 0,
"position": 0,
"protocol": {
"any": false,
"icmp": false,
"other": "string",
"tcp": false,
"udp": false
"sourceIp": "string",
"sourcePort": 0,
"sourcePortRange": "string",
"sourceVm": {
"ipType": "string",
"vmName": "string",
"vmNicId": 0
"logDefaultAction": false
"ipScopes": [
"allocatedIpAddresses": [
"dnsSuffix": "string",
"gateway": "string",
"ipRanges": [
"endAddress": "string",
"startAddress": "string"
"isEnabled": false,
"isInherited": false,
"netmask": "string",
"primaryDns": "string",
"secondaryDns": "string"
"name": "string",
"natService": {
"externalIp": "string",
"isEnabled": false,
"natRules": [
"description": "string",
"gatewayNatRule": {
"icmpSubType": "string",
"originalIp": "string",
"originalPort": "string",
"protocol": "string",
"translatedIp": "string",
"translatedPort": "string"
"id": 0,
"isEnabled": false,
"oneToOneBasicRule": {
"externalIpAddress": "string",
"internalIpAddress": "string",
"mappingMode": "string"
"oneToOneVmRule": {
"externalIpAddress": "string",
"mappingMode": "string",
"vmName": "string",
"vmNicId": 0
"portForwardingRule": {
"externalIpAddress": "string",
"externalPort": 0,
"internalIpAddress": "string",
"internalPort": 0,
"protocol": "string"
"type": "string",
"vmRule": {
"externalIpAddress": "string",
"externalPort": 0,
"internalPort": 0,
"protocol": "string",
"vmName": "string",
"vmNicId": 0
"policy": "string",
"type": "string"
"parentId": "string",
"parentName": "string"
"destination": {
"org": "org2",
"recoveredVappId": "null",
"site": "site2",
"vdcId": "5ee9224f-305d-46f6-865f-b605e70acef8",
"vdcName": "Virtual DC 2"
"id": "C4VAPP-ccbe771e-b685-46c7-8c7a-4ed36915d963",
"isMigration": false,
"lastUpdated": 0,
"overallHealth": "GREEN",
"owner": "org1@site2",
"source": {
"org": "org1",
"site": "site1",
"vappId": "d6977f40-4d90-46b2-a34e-5077e8648eda",
"vdcId": "f61d60d2-698a-46dc-a266-88df27644956",
"vdcName": "Virtual DC 1"
"vmReplications": [
"computerName": "computerName",
"dataConnectionState": "SYNCING",
"destinationState": {
"currentRpoViolation": 25,
"isMovingReplica": false,
"lastError": {
"args": [],
"code": "Forbidden",
"msg": "Permission denied.",
"stacktrace": "com.vmware.h4.api.error.exceptions.PermissionDeniedException: Permission denied."
"latestInstance": {
"isPinned": false,
"key": "replica-52f3e775-a8fa-13e3-e9be-39264ed2dfe2",
"quiescedType": "fileSystemQuiesced",
"sequenceNumber": 11,
"timestamp": 1469701818743,
"transferBytes": 512000,
"transferSeconds": 4
"recoveryInfo": {
"recoveryState": "NOT_STARTED"
"spaceRequirement": 0,
"state": "opened",
"stateAge": 0
"id": "C4-11111111-af9d-446a-8599-5b693842c4a3",
"isMigration": true,
"isPaused": false,
"isReversed": false,
"lastUpdated": 618094800000,
"metadata": {},
"overallHealth": "GREEN",
"settings": {
"dataConnectionType": "ENCRYPTED_COMPRESSED",
"description": "new description",
"excludedDiskKeys": [
"initialSyncTime": 0,
"quiesced": true,
"retentionPolicy": {
"rules": [
"distance": 15,
"numberOfInstances": 3
"rpo": 15
"slaProfile": {
"displayName": "Gold",
"id": "61c528c8-1a8c-4c4e-8886-f1b6eeba98a5"
"sourceState": {
"progress": {
"bytesToTransfer": 1000,
"bytesTransferred": 400,
"checksumComparedBytes": 1000,
"checksumTotalBytes": 1000,
"progress": 40
"state": "idle",
"stateAge": 0
"startupInfo": {
"order": 0,
"startAction": "powerOn",
"startDelay": 0,
"stopAction": "powerOff",
"stopDelay": 0
"storageProfile": "ecde053f-1aed-4547-b73a-52b9f7c48298",
"storageProfileName": "*",
"vimLocation": {
"datastore": "datastore",
"datastoreMoref": "datastore-33",
"datastoreName": "test datastore",
"vimServer": "vim server",
"vimServerInstanceUuid": "b260ac0-eec6-4437-9184-54ee34a1e28d"
"vmDescription": "description",
"vmId": "d1d9739f-9e3b-4c24-9cbb-3a9fdddaf47c",
"vmName": "my vm 1"
The vApp-level replication ID.
True if the VM replication is a migration. Otherwise, it's a protection.
StartTime of the latest task associated with this vApp replication.
Representation of the replication health suitable for UI purposes.
The id of the user that owns the replication.
The returned error codes include (but are not limited to):
- NotAuthenticated
- RemoteAuthenticationFailure
"args": [],
"code": "Forbidden",
"msg": "Permission denied.",
"stacktrace": "com.vmware.h4.api.error.exceptions.PermissionDeniedException: Permission denied."
Positional arguments.
Specific error code.
Detailed error message.
Exception stacktrace.
The returned error codes include (but are not limited to):
- VAppReplicationNotFound
- SiteNotFound
"args": [],
"code": "Forbidden",
"msg": "Permission denied.",
"stacktrace": "com.vmware.h4.api.error.exceptions.PermissionDeniedException: Permission denied."
Positional arguments.
Specific error code.
Detailed error message.
Exception stacktrace.
The returned error codes include (but are not limited to):
- GeneralServerFailure
"args": [],
"code": "Forbidden",
"msg": "Permission denied.",
"stacktrace": "com.vmware.h4.api.error.exceptions.PermissionDeniedException: Permission denied."
Positional arguments.
Specific error code.
Detailed error message.
Exception stacktrace.