Get Defined Entities By Entity Type
Gets the collection of defined entities for the vCD-defined type with the specified vendor, nss and version. The version can act as a wildcard. If only '1' is specified as the version, all entity types with a major version of '1' will be matched (e.g. 1.0.0, 1.1.2). If '1.0' is specified, all entity types with a major version of '1' and a minor version of '0' will be included (e.g. 1.0.0, 1.0.1). If the full semver is specified, then no search will be performed. Depending on the requested items per page, and the number of returned entities, one or more metadata summary cursor links will be returned in the headers. In order to retrieve the summaries of all the entities, clients need to fetch each separate cursor and merge the results.
Filter for a query. FIQL format.
Metadata filter for a query. FIQL format. A single statement is of the form namespace|key operator value. The namespace is optional, has to be separated by '|' from the key and therefore this character is not supported as part of the namespace or key. The value is not optional, however one can omit a value search if '*' is specified. Note that API clients will need to encode these characters accordingly. The framework will try to infer the type of the value in the following order:
- if it starts and ends with single unescaped quotes it is a string and the quotes are removed from the beginning and end of the string
- else if it parses to a long it is a long
- else if it is either 'true' or 'false'(case insensitive) it is a boolean
- else an error id returned
Examples: namespace|com:vmware:key1=='42' here the value 42 will be searched as a string entry com:vmware:key2==''string'' here the value 'string' (with the quotes) com.key3=gt=42 here a search for a number entry will be performed, with a value greater than 42 ns|com.key4==* here a search for an entry with the namespace 'ns' and key 'key4' and any value will be performed
Field to use for ascending sort
Field to use for descending sort
Page to fetch, zero offset.
Results per page to fetch.
Filter for a query. FIQL format.
Metadata filter for a query. FIQL format. A single statement is of the form namespace|key operator value. The namespace is optional, has to be separated by '|' from the key and therefore this character is not supported as part of the namespace or key. The value is not optional, however one can omit a value search if '*' is specified. Note that API clients will need to encode these characters accordingly. The framework will try to infer the type of the value in the following order:
- if it starts and ends with single unescaped quotes it is a string and the quotes are removed from the beginning and end of the string
- else if it parses to a long it is a long
- else if it is either 'true' or 'false'(case insensitive) it is a boolean
- else an error id returned
Examples: namespace|com:vmware:key1=='42' here the value 42 will be searched as a string entry com:vmware:key2==''string'' here the value 'string' (with the quotes) com.key3=gt=42 here a search for a number entry will be performed, with a value greater than 42 ns|com.key4==* here a search for an entry with the namespace 'ns' and key 'key4' and any value will be performed
Field to use for ascending sort
Field to use for descending sort
Page to fetch, zero offset.
Results per page to fetch.
"resultTotal": 0,
"pageCount": 0,
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 0,
"associations": [
"entityId": "string",
"associationId": "string"
"values": [
"id": "urn:vcloud:entity:vmware.vspheresddc:1.0.0:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"entityType": "urn:vcloud:type:vmware.vspheresddc:1.0.0",
"name": "vspheresddc1",
"externalId": "123",
"state": "string",
"entityState": "string",
"owner": {
"name": "string",
"id": "string"
"org": {
"name": "string",
"id": "string"