Create FBAD Config
Create and save flow based configuration to be used for application and tier discovery. All the fields in the request JSON are optional and default configuration will be used for undefined fields. The order of discovery options will be honoured during application discovery if discovery options are defined in the input request. Please use API api/ni/groups/discovered-applications/custom-config/fbad/file/upload to upload a CSV file to be used for application and tier discovery and naming. Use the filepath in it's response in the values tag of discovery options and naming preferences, each of type CSV, as applicable.
"scope_object_type": 66,
"scope_entities": [
"full_fetch_flow_interval_in_sec": 604800,
"pause_discovery": false,
"application_naming_preferences": [
"type": "VCENTER_TAGS",
"values": [
"App Sys",
"type": "VM_NAMES",
"values": [
".*?_([^-_@. ]*)-([^-_@. ]*)-.*"
"tier_naming_preferences": [
"type": "VCENTER_TAGS",
"values": [
"type": "VM_NAMES",
"values": [
".*?_([^-_@. ]*)-.*"
"discovery_options": [
"type": "CSV",
"value": "RkJBRF9URU1QX0ZJTEU6OklZTU9zQzd1NnQ5S0lEY0xybXRYRVEuY3N2"
"type": "LB"
The type of objects in the scope entities
The list of name of the entities to be considered in discovery scope
Full fetch flow interval in seconds. Range of allowed values is number of seconds in one week to number of seconds in one month, both values included.
True means pause the application and tier discovery and false means resume flow based application and tier discovery
List of application naming preferences. The order should be the same as tier naming preferences. VM Names preference will be added to the end of the naming preferences if not present already.
List of tier naming preferences. The order should be the same as application naming preferences. VM Names preference will be added to the end of the naming preferences if not present already.
The ordered list of preferences to be used for discovery of applications and tiers to improve flow based application discovery. Add CSV enrichment preference to use the uploaded CSV in improving discovery. LB enrichment preference will be added at the end of the list if not present already.
"id": "16710:969:5155421418804951043",
"scope_object_type": 66,
"scope_entities": [
"full_fetch_flow_interval_in_sec": 604800,
"pause_discovery": false,
"application_naming_preferences": [
"type": "VCENTER_TAGS",
"values": [
"App Sys",
"type": "VM_NAMES",
"values": [
".*?_([^-_@. ]*)-([^-_@. ]*)-.*"
"tier_naming_preferences": [
"type": "VCENTER_TAGS",
"values": [
"type": "VM_NAMES",
"values": [
".*?_([^-_@. ]*)-.*"
"discovery_options": [
"type": "CSV",
"type": "LB"
Bad Request
"code": 0,
"message": "string",
"details": [
"code": 0,
"message": "string",
"target": [
Internal Error