Virtual Infrastructure Vcenter Vstorage Object Manager APIs

Virtual Infrastructure Vcenter Vstorage Object Manager APIs

Interface to manage virtual storage object on a vCenter.

VStorageObjectManager and SPBM policy support: All of the VStorageObjectManager APIs requiring ESXi host uses "Programatically selected" host to perform the actual operation. If the selected host is of 6.5 version then policy would not be passed down to host. In that case, user operation would succeed but if user checks SPBM Entity Compliance, it will show "Mismatch" / "Non Compliant" as a compliance result.

Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Attach Tag To V Storage Object
Attach a tag to a virtual storage object.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Clear V Storage Object Control Flags
Clear control flags on VStorageObject.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Clone V Storage Object Task
Clone a virtual storage object.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Create Disk Task
Create a virtual disk, which is a storage object with *disk* as consumption type.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Create Disk From Snapshot Task
Creates a new Disk from given snapshot of a VStorageObject.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Delete Snapshot Task
Deletes a given snapshot of a VStorageObject.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Delete V Storage Object Task
Delete a virtual storage object and its associated backings.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Delete V Storage Object Ex Task
Delete a virtual storage object and its associated backings.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Detach Tag From V Storage Object
Detach a tag from a virtual storage object.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Extend Disk Task
Expand the capacity of a virtual disk, which is a storage object with *disk*, to the new capacity.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Inflate Disk Task
Inflate a sparse or thin-provisioned virtual disk up to the full size.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager List Tags Attached To V Storage Object
Lists all tags attached to virtual storage object.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager List V Storage Object
List all virtual storage objects located on a datastore.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager List V Storage Objects Attached To Tag
Lists all virtual storage objects attached to the tag.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Query Virtual Disk Uuid Ex
Get the virtual disk UUID.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Reconcile Datastore Inventory Task
Reconcile the datastore inventory info of virtual storage objects.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Register Disk
Promote a virtual disk to a First Class Disk.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Relocate V Storage Object Task
Relocate a virtual storage object.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Rename V Storage Object
Rename a virtual storage object.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Rename V Storage Object Ex
Rename a virtual storage object.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Retrieve Snapshot Details
Retrieves snapshot disk details of a given snapshot.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Retrieve Snapshot Info
Retrieves snapshot information of a given VStorageObject.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Retrieve V Storage Infrastructure Object Policy
Retrieve virtual storage infrastructure object SBPM policy on given datastore.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Retrieve V Storage Object
Retrieve a virtual storage object.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Retrieve V Storage Object Associations
Retrieve vm associations for each virtual storage object in the query.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Retrieve V Storage Object State
Retrieve a virtual storage object state.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Revert V Storage Object Task
Reverts to a given snapshot of a VStorageObject.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Revert V Storage Object Ex Task
Reverts to a given snapshot of a VStorageObject.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Schedule Reconcile Datastore Inventory
Schedules reconcile of the inventory info of virtual storage objects on one of the hosts that is connected with the datastore.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Set Virtual Disk Uuid Ex Task
Set the virtual disk Uuid.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Set V Storage Object Control Flags
Set control flags on VStorageObject.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Update V Storage Infrastructure Object Policy Task
Assigns specified SBPM policy to the given virtual storage infrastructure object.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Update V Storage Object Crypto Task
Update the crypto on a virtual storage object.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Update V Storage Object Policy Task
Update the storage policy on a virtual storage object.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager V Center Update V Storage Object Metadata Ex Task
Update metadata KV pairs to a virtual storage object and returns the corresponding vclock upon success.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager V Storage Object Create Snapshot Task
Creates a snapshot of a given VStorageObject.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager V Storage Object Create Snapshot Ex Task
Creates a snapshot of a given VStorageObject.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager V Storage Object Delete Snapshot Ex Task
Deletes a given snapshot of a VStorageObject.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager V Storage Object Extend Disk Ex Task
Expand the capacity of a virtual disk, which is a storage object with *disk*, to the new capacity.
Vcenter V Storage Object Manager Vstorage Object V Center Query Changed Disk Areas
Get a list of areas of a virtual disk that have been modified since a well-defined point in the past.