Virtual Infrastructure Host Datastore System APIs

Virtual Infrastructure Host Datastore System APIs

This managed object creates and removes datastores from the host.

To a host, a datastore is a storage abstraction that is backed by one of several types of storage volumes:

**Local file system**
A datastore that is backed by a local file system volume uses a host native local file system such as NTFS or ext3. The datastore is created by identifying a file path for a directory in which virtual machine data will be stored. When the datastore is deleted, the mapping from the datastore to the file is deleted. The contents of the directory are not deleted.
**NAS Volume**
A datastore that is backed by a network-attached storage device is created by specifying the required data needed to attach the volume to the host. Destroying the datastore detaches the volume from the host.
A datastore that is backed by a VMware File System (VMFS) is created by specifying a disk with unpartitioned space, the desired disk partition format on the disk, and some VMFS attributes.

An ESX Server system automatically discovers the VMFS volume on attached Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs) on startup and after re-scanning the host bus adapter. Datastores are automatically created. The datastore label is based on the VMFS volume label. If there is a conflict with an existing datastore, it is made unique by appending a suffix. The VMFS volume label will be unchanged.

Destroying the datastore removes the partitions that compose the VMFS volume.

Datastores are never automatically removed because transient storage connection outages may occur. They must be removed from the host using this interface.

See also Datastore.

Host Datastore System Configure Datastore Principal
Configures datastore principal user for the host.
Host Datastore System Create Local Datastore
Creates a new local datastore.
Host Datastore System Create Nas Datastore
Creates a new network-attached storage datastore.
Host Datastore System Create Vmfs Datastore
Creates a new VMFS datastore.
Host Datastore System Create Vvol Datastore
Create a Virtual-Volume based datastore
Host Datastore System Disable Clustered Vmdk Support
Disable the clustered vmdk support on specified datastore.
Host Datastore System Enable Clustered Vmdk Support
Enable the clustered vmdk support on specified datastore.
Host Datastore System Expand Vmfs Datastore
Increases the capacity of an existing VMFS datastore by expanding (increasing the size of) an existing extent of the datastore.
Host Datastore System Extend Vmfs Datastore
Increases the capacity of an existing VMFS datastore by adding new extents to the datastore.
Host Datastore System Get Capabilities
Capability vector indicating the available product features.
Host Datastore System Get Datastore
List of datastores on this host.
Host Datastore System Query Available Disks For Vmfs
Query to list disks that can be used to contain VMFS datastore extents.
Host Datastore System Query Max Queue Depth
Query max queue depth for a specified NFS datastore.
Host Datastore System Query Unresolved Vmfs Volumes
Get the list of unbound VMFS volumes.
Host Datastore System Query Vmfs Datastore Create Options
Queries options for creating a new VMFS datastore for a disk.
Host Datastore System Query Vmfs Datastore Expand Options
Queries for options for increasing the capacity of an existing VMFS datastore by expanding (increasing the size of) an existing extent of the datastore.
Host Datastore System Query Vmfs Datastore Extend Options
Queries for options for increasing the capacity of an existing VMFS datastore by adding new extents using space from the specified disk.
Host Datastore System Remove Datastore
Removes a datastore from a host.
Host Datastore System Remove Datastore Ex Task
Remove one or more datastores.
Host Datastore System Resignature Unresolved Vmfs Volume Task
Resignature an unbound VMFS volume.
Host Datastore System Set Max Queue Depth
Set max queue depth for a specified NFS datastore.
Host Datastore System Update Local Swap Datastore
Choose the *localSwapDatastore* for this host.