Storage Policy Pbm Profile Profile Manager APIs

Storage Policy Pbm Profile Profile Manager APIs

The PbmProfileProfileManager supports operations on virtual machine storage profiles.

A Storage Policy API profile consists of a set of subprofiles. A subprofile corresponds to a rule set in the vSphere Web Client.

Virtual machine storage profiles specify the storage requirements for virtual machine files. You use the vSphere Web Client to define virtual machine storage profiles. The requirements (PbmCapabilityProfile.constraints) impose constraints on the placement of virtual machine files.

The Storage Policy Server also supports datastore profiles. Datastore profiles define storage capabilities. Storage capabilities are resources defined by storage providers. Storage requirements are based on storage capabilities. When you associate a storage profile with a virtual machine or virtual disk, the Server sends the profile to the storage provider. When you perform compliance checking (PbmComplianceManager), the storage provider compares the requirements with the capabilities.

The PbmProfileProfileManager supports the following operations on virtual machine storage profiles.

  • Create, update, and delete storage profiles.
  • Retrieve profile data based on specified criteria.
  • Retrieve storage vendor data.

The following figure shows the set of data objects that comprise a storage profile specification (PbmCapabilityProfileCreateSpec). You pass a storage profile specification to the Storage Policy Server when you call the following methods:

  • PbmProfileProfileManager.PbmCreate
  • PbmPlacementSolver.PbmCheckCompatibilityWithSpec
  • PbmPlacementSolver.PbmQueryMatchingHubWithSpec +---------------------------------+ | PbmCapabilityProfileCreateSpec | | name | +-------------------------+ | description | | PbmProfileResourceType | | resourceType ------| resourceType=STORAGE | | constraints --- +-------------------------+ +---------------------------------+ | | | +------------------------------------+ | PbmCapabilitySubProfileConstraints | | subprofiles --- +------------------------------------+ | | 1..n | +-------------------------+ | PbmCapabilitySubProfile | | name | | forceProvision | | capability --- +-------------------------+ | | 1..n +-------------------------------+ | | PbmCapabilityMetadataUniqueId | +-----------------------+ | id | | PbmCapabilityInstance | | namespace | | id ------------+-------------------------------+ | constraint --- +-----------------------+ | | 1..n | +-------------------------------+ +---------------------------------+ | PbmCapabilityPropertyInstance | | PbmCapabilityConstraintInstance | 1..n | id | | propertyInstance ----------| value | +---------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+

Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Assign Default Requirement Profile
Assign the given profile as the default profile for the given datastores.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Create
Creates a capability-based storage profile.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Delete
Deletes one or more profiles.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Fetch Capability Metadata
Retrieves capability metadata.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Fetch Capability Schema
Returns the capability schema objects registered in the system.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Fetch Resource Type
Retrieves information about various resource types registered with the system.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Fetch Vendor Info
Retrieve information about various capability metadata owners/vendors registered with the system, the resource type for which they are registered, and schema namespaces to which they belong.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Find Applicable Default Profile
Returns the profiles that can be made as default profile for all the given datastores.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Query Associated Entities
Returns the virtual machine and disks that are associated with the given storage policies.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Query Associated Entity
Retrieves entities associated with the specified profile.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Query Associated Profile
Returns identifiers for profiles associated with a virtual machine, virtual disk, or datastore.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Query Associated Profiles
Returns profiles associated with the specified entities.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Query Default Requirement Profile
Returns the default requirement profile ID for the given datastore.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Query Default Requirement Profiles
Returns the default profiles for the given datastores.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Query Profile
Returns requirement profile ids or resource profile ids, or both.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Query Space Stats For Storage Container
Retrieves space statistics of a datastore.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Reset Default Requirement Profile
Not supported in this release.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Reset V San Default Profile
Resets the system pre-created VSAN default profile to factory defaults.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Retrieve Content
Returns one or more storage profiles.
Pbm Profile Profile Manager Pbm Update
Updates a storage profile.