Virtual Machine Power On VM Task
Powers on this virtual machine.
If the virtual machine is suspended, this method resumes execution from the suspend point.
When powering on a virtual machine in a cluster, the system might implicitly or due to the host argument, do an implicit relocation of the virtual machine to another host. Hence, errors related to this relocation can be thrown. If the cluster is a DRS cluster, DRS will be invoked if the virtual machine can be automatically placed by DRS (see DrsBehaviorEnum). Because this method does not return a DRS ClusterRecommendation, no vmotion nor host power operations will be done as part of a DRS-facilitated power on. To have DRS consider such operations use PowerOnMultiVM_Task. As of vSphere API 5.1, use of this method with vCenter Server is deprecated; use PowerOnMultiVM_Task instead.
If this virtual machine is a fault tolerant primary virtual machine, its secondary virtual machines will be started on system-selected hosts. If the virtual machines are in a VMware DRS enabled cluster, then DRS will be invoked to obtain placements for the secondaries but no vmotion nor host power operations will be considered for these power ons.
Required privileges: VirtualMachine.Interact.PowerOn
The unique identifier for the managed object to which the method attaches; the serialized managed object reference for a request has the form moType/moId
, in this case VirtualMachine/{moId}
The vSphere release schema. The current specification covers vSphere APIs.
"host": {
"_typeName": "string",
"type": "string",
"value": "string"
This method returns a Task object with which to monitor the operation.
"_typeName": "string",
"type": "string",
"value": "string"
InvalidPowerState: if the power state is poweredOn.
TaskInProgress: if the virtual machine is busy.
NotEnoughLicenses: if there are not enough licenses to power on this virtual machine.
NotSupported: if the virtual machine is marked as a template.
InvalidState: if the host is in maintenance mode or if the virtual machine's configuration information is not available or if the virtual machine is already powering on
InsufficientResourcesFault: if this operation would violate a resource usage policy.
VmConfigFault: if a configuration issue prevents the power-on. Typically, a more specific fault, such as UnsupportedVmxLocation, is thrown.
FileFault: if there is a problem accessing the virtual machine on the filesystem.
DisallowedOperationOnFailoverHost: if the host specified is a failover host. See ClusterFailoverHostAdmissionControlPolicy.
"_typeName": "string",
"faultCause": "MethodFault Object",
"faultMessage": [
"_typeName": "string",
"key": "string",
"arg": [
"_typeName": "string",
"key": "string",
"value": {
"_typeName": "string"
"message": "string"