

The RuntimeInfo data object type provides information about the execution state and history of a virtual machine.

This class requires all of the following:
JSON Example
    "_typeName": "string",
    "device": [
            "_typeName": "string",
            "runtimeState": {
                "_typeName": "string"
            "key": 0
    "host": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "type": "string",
        "value": "string"
    "connectionState": "string",
    "powerState": "string",
    "vmFailoverInProgress": false,
    "faultToleranceState": "string",
    "dasVmProtection": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "dasProtected": false
    "toolsInstallerMounted": false,
    "suspendTime": "string",
    "bootTime": "string",
    "suspendInterval": 0,
    "question": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "text": "string",
        "choice": {
            "_typeName": "string",
            "valueIsReadonly": false,
            "choiceInfo": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "label": "string",
                    "summary": "string",
                    "key": "string"
            "defaultIndex": 0
        "message": [
                "_typeName": "string",
                "id": "string",
                "argument": [
                        "_typeName": "string"
                "text": "string"
    "memoryOverhead": 0,
    "maxCpuUsage": 0,
    "maxMemoryUsage": 0,
    "numMksConnections": 0,
    "recordReplayState": "string",
    "cleanPowerOff": false,
    "needSecondaryReason": "string",
    "onlineStandby": false,
    "minRequiredEVCModeKey": "string",
    "consolidationNeeded": false,
    "offlineFeatureRequirement": [
            "_typeName": "string",
            "key": "string",
            "featureName": "string",
            "value": "string"
    "featureRequirement": [
            "_typeName": "string",
            "key": "string",
            "featureName": "string",
            "value": "string"
    "featureMask": [
            "_typeName": "string",
            "key": "string",
            "featureName": "string",
            "value": "string"
    "vFlashCacheAllocation": 0,
    "paused": false,
    "snapshotInBackground": false,
    "quiescedForkParent": false,
    "instantCloneFrozen": false,
    "cryptoState": "string",
    "suspendedToMemory": false,
    "opNotificationTimeout": 0,
    "iommuActive": false

Per-device runtime info.

This array will be empty if the host software does not provide runtime info for any of the device types currently in use by the virtual machine. In releases after vSphere API 5.0, vSphere Servers might not generate property collector update notifications for this property. To obtain the latest value of the property, you can use PropertyCollector methods RetrievePropertiesEx or WaitForUpdatesEx. If you use the PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdatesEx method, specify an empty string for the version parameter. Since this property is on a DataObject, an update returned by WaitForUpdatesEx may contain values for this property when some other property on the DataObject changes. If this update is a result of a call to WaitForUpdatesEx with a non-empty version parameter, the value for this property may not be current.


Reference to an instance of the HostSystem managed object.


The connectivity state of a virtual machine.

When the API is provided directly by a server product, such as ESX Server, then the disconnected state is not possible. However, when accessed through VirtualCenter, the state of a virtual machine is set to disconnected if the hosts that manage the virtual machine becomes unavailable.

Possible values:

  • connected: The server has access to the virtual machine.

  • disconnected: The server is currently disconnected from the virtual machine, since its host is disconnected.

    See general comment for this enumerated type for more details.

  • orphaned: The virtual machine is no longer registered on the host it is associated with.

    For example, a virtual machine that is unregistered or deleted directly on a host managed by VirtualCenter shows up in this state.

  • inaccessible: One or more of the virtual machine configuration files are inaccessible.

    For example, this can be due to transient disk failures. In this case, no configuration can be returned for a virtual machine.

  • invalid: The virtual machine configuration format is invalid.

    Thus, it is accessible on disk, but corrupted in a way that does not allow the server to read the content. In this case, no configuration can be returned for a virtual machine.

Possible values are : connected, disconnected, orphaned, inaccessible, invalid,

The PowerState type defines a simple set of states for a virtual machine: poweredOn, poweredOff, and suspended.

This type does not model substates, such as when a task is running to change the virtual machine state. If the virtual machine is in a state with a task in progress, it transitions to a new state when the task completes. For example, a virtual machine continues to be in the poweredOn state while a suspend task is running, and changes to the suspended state once the task finishes.

As a consequence of this approach, clients interested in monitoring the status of a virtual machine should typically track the activeTask data object in addition to the powerState object.

Possible values:

  • poweredOff: The virtual machine is currently powered off.
  • poweredOn: The virtual machine is currently powered on.
  • suspended: The virtual machine is currently suspended.
Possible values are : poweredOff, poweredOn, suspended,

Represents if the vm is currently being failed over by FDM

Since: vSphere API Release


The FaultToleranceState type defines a simple set of states for a fault tolerant virtual machine: disabled, starting, and enabled.

Possible values:

  • notConfigured: This state indicates that the virtual machine has not been configured for fault tolerance.

  • disabled: For a virtual machine that is the primary in a fault tolerant group, this state indicates that the virtual machine has at least one registered secondary, but no secondary is enabled.

    For a virtual machine that is the secondary in a fault tolerant group, this state indicates that the secondary is disabled.

  • enabled: For a virtual machine that is the primary in a fault tolerant group, this state indicates that the virtual machine is not currently powered on, but has at least one enabled secondary For a virtual machine that is the secondary in a fault tolerant group, this state indicates that the secondary is enabled, but is not currently powered on.

  • needSecondary: For a virtual machine that is the primary in a fault tolerant group, this state indicates that the virtual machine is powered on and has at least one enabled secondary, but no secondary is currently active.

    This state is not valid for a virtual machine that is a secondary in a fault tolerant group.

  • starting: For a virtual machine that is the primary in a fault tolerant group, this state indicates that the virtual machine is powered on and has at least one secondary that is synchronizing its state with the primary.

    For a virtual machine that is the secondary in a fault tolerant group, this state indicates that the secondary is powered on and is synchronizing its state with the primary virtual machine.

  • running: This state indicates that the virtual machine is running with fault tolerance protection.

Possible values are : notConfigured, disabled, enabled, needSecondary, starting, running,

The VirtualMachineRuntimeInfoDasProtectionState object describes the vSphere HA protection state of a virtual machine (VM).


Flag to indicate whether or not the VMware Tools installer is mounted as a CD-ROM.

string As date-time As date-time

The timestamp when the virtual machine was most recently suspended.

This property is updated every time the virtual machine is suspended.

string As date-time As date-time

The timestamp when the virtual machine was most recently powered on.

This property is updated when the virtual machine is powered on from the poweredOff state, and is cleared when the virtual machine is powered off. This property is not updated when a virtual machine is resumed from a suspended state.

integer As int64 As int64

The total time the virtual machine has been suspended since it was initially powered on.

This time excludes the current period, if the virtual machine is currently suspended. This property is updated when the virtual machine resumes, and is reset to zero when the virtual machine is powered off.


This data object type describes the question that is currently blocking a virtual machine.

integer As int64 As int64

Deprecated as of vSphere API 4.1, use the PerformanceManager memory overhead counter to get this value.

The amount of memory resource (in bytes) that will be used by the virtual machine above its guest memory requirements.

This value is set if and only if the virtual machine is registered on a host that supports memory resource allocation features.

For powered off VMs, this is the minimum overhead required to power on the VM on the registered host.

For powered on VMs, this is the current overhead reservation, a value which is almost always larger than the minimum overhead, and which grows with time.

See also HostSystem.QueryMemoryOverheadEx.

integer As int32 As int32

Current upper-bound on CPU usage.

The upper-bound is based on the host the virtual machine is current running on, as well as limits configured on the virtual machine itself or any parent resource pool. Valid while the virtual machine is running. In releases after vSphere API 5.0, vSphere Servers might not generate property collector update notifications for this property. To obtain the latest value of the property, you can use PropertyCollector methods RetrievePropertiesEx or WaitForUpdatesEx. If you use the PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdatesEx method, specify an empty string for the version parameter. Since this property is on a DataObject, an update returned by WaitForUpdatesEx may contain values for this property when some other property on the DataObject changes. If this update is a result of a call to WaitForUpdatesEx with a non-empty version parameter, the value for this property may not be current.

integer As int32 As int32

Current upper-bound on memory usage.

The upper-bound is based on memory configuration of the virtual machine, as well as limits configured on the virtual machine itself or any parent resource pool. Valid while the virtual machine is running. In releases after vSphere API 5.0, vSphere Servers might not generate property collector update notifications for this property. To obtain the latest value of the property, you can use PropertyCollector methods RetrievePropertiesEx or WaitForUpdatesEx. If you use the PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdatesEx method, specify an empty string for the version parameter. Since this property is on a DataObject, an update returned by WaitForUpdatesEx may contain values for this property when some other property on the DataObject changes. If this update is a result of a call to WaitForUpdatesEx with a non-empty version parameter, the value for this property may not be current.

integer As int32 As int32

Number of active MKS connections to this virtual machine.


Deprecated as of vSphere API 6.0.

The RecordReplayState type defines a simple set of record and replay states for a virtual machine.

Possible values:

  • recording: The virtual machine is recording.
  • replaying: The virtual machine is replaying.
  • inactive: The virtual machine is currently not participating in record or replay.
Possible values are : recording, replaying, inactive,

For a powered off virtual machine, indicates whether the virtual machine's last shutdown was an orderly power off or not.

Unset if the virtual machine is running or suspended.


If set, indicates the reason the virtual machine needs a secondary.


This property indicates whether the guest has gone into one of the s1, s2 or s3 standby modes, false indicates the guest is awake.


For a powered-on or suspended virtual machine in a cluster with Enhanced VMotion Compatibility (EVC) enabled, this identifies the least-featured EVC mode (among those for the appropriate CPU vendor) that could admit the virtual machine.

See EVCMode. Until vSphere 6.5, this property will be unset if the virtual machine is powered off or is not in an EVC cluster.

This property may be used as a general indicator of the CPU feature baseline currently in use by the virtual machine. However, the virtual machine may be suppressing some of the features present in the CPU feature baseline of the indicated mode, either explicitly (in the virtual machine's configured cpuFeatureMask) or implicitly (in the default masks for the GuestOsDescriptor appropriate for the virtual machine's configured guest OS).


Whether any disk of the virtual machine requires consolidation.

This can happen for example when a snapshot is deleted but its associated disk is not committed back to the base disk. Use VirtualMachine.ConsolidateVMDisks_Task to consolidate if needed.


These requirements must have equivalent host capabilities HostConfigInfo.featureCapability in order to power on.


These requirements must have equivalent host capabilities HostConfigInfo.featureCapability in order to power on, resume, or migrate to the host.


The masks applied to an individual virtual machine as a result of its configuration.

integer As int64 As int64

Deprecated since vSphere 7.0 because vFlash Read Cache end of availability.

Specifies the total allocated vFlash resource for the vFlash caches associated with VM's VMDKs when VM is powered on, in bytes.


Whether the virtual machine is paused, or not.


Whether a snapshot operation is in progress in the background, or not.


This flag indicates whether a parent virtual machine is in a fork ready state.

A persistent instant clone child can be created only when this flag is true. While a non-persistent instant clone child can be created independent of this flag, it can only be powered on if this flag is true.


Whether the virtual machine is frozen for instant clone, or not.


Encryption state of the virtual machine.

Valid values are enumerated by the CryptoState type.


Whether the virtual machine is suspended to memory, or not.

Since: vSphere API Release

integer As int64 As int64

Operation notification timeout in seconds.

Specifies the maximum time duration the application may take to prepare for the operation after it has been notified. This property is set only for powered on VMs.

Since: vSphere API Release


Indicates whether there is active IOMMU domain in the current VM.

Since: vSphere API Release