

Represents a replication target device, since the replication group id can be the same in all the domains, this is keyed by the fault domain id.

This structure may be used only with operations rendered under /sms.

This class requires all of the following:
JSON Example
    "_typeName": "string",
    "domainId": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "id": "string"
    "deviceId": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "id": "string"

Represents the identity of a replication fault domain.

Fault domains IDs are globally unique.


Identifier of the replication target device.

For Virtual Volumes, this could be the same as a Virtual Volume Id, for VMDK's this could be an FCD uuid, or some other ID made up by the replicator. This identifier is opaque to vSphere and hence does not have any distinguishing type. This can be used to identify the replica without the accompanying source device id (though there are no such uses in the current API).

Since this an opaque type, the recovered device id at recoveredDeviceId should be filled in even if the values are the same.

This structure may be used only with operations rendered under /sms.