

Simplified shares notation.

These designations have different meanings for different resources.

Possible values:

  • low: For CPU: Shares = 500 * number of virtual CPUs
    For Memory: Shares = 5 * virtual machine memory size in megabytes
    For Disk: Shares = 500
    For Network: Shares = 0.25 * networkResourcePoolHighShareValue
  • normal: For CPU: Shares = 1000 * number of virtual CPUs
    For Memory: Shares = 10 * virtual machine memory size in megabytes
    For Disk: Shares = 1000
    For Network: Shares = 0.5 * networkResourcePoolHighShareValue
  • high: For CPU: Shares = 2000 * number of virtual CPUs
    For Memory: Shares = 20 * virtual machine memory size in megabytes
    For Disk: Shares = 2000
    For Network: Shares = networkResourcePoolHighShareValue
  • custom: If you specify custom for the level property, when there is resource contention the Server uses the shares value to determine resource allocation.
This data structure has no properties.
Enumeration: low, normal, high, custom,