

This data object type describes the runtime state of a host.

This class requires all of the following:
JSON Example
    "_typeName": "string",
    "connectionState": "string",
    "powerState": "string",
    "standbyMode": "string",
    "inMaintenanceMode": false,
    "inQuarantineMode": false,
    "bootTime": "string",
    "healthSystemRuntime": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "systemHealthInfo": {
            "_typeName": "string",
            "numericSensorInfo": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "healthState": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "label": "string",
                        "summary": "string",
                        "key": "string"
                    "currentReading": 0,
                    "unitModifier": 0,
                    "baseUnits": "string",
                    "rateUnits": "string",
                    "sensorType": "string",
                    "id": "string",
                    "sensorNumber": 0,
                    "timeStamp": "string",
                    "fru": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "type": "string",
                        "partName": "string",
                        "partNumber": "string",
                        "manufacturer": "string",
                        "serialNumber": "string",
                        "mfgTimeStamp": "string"
        "hardwareStatusInfo": {
            "_typeName": "string",
            "memoryStatusInfo": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "status": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "label": "string",
                        "summary": "string",
                        "key": "string"
            "cpuStatusInfo": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "status": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "label": "string",
                        "summary": "string",
                        "key": "string"
            "storageStatusInfo": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "status": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "label": "string",
                        "summary": "string",
                        "key": "string"
                    "operationalInfo": [
                            "_typeName": "string",
                            "property": "string",
                            "value": "string"
            "dpuStatusInfo": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "status": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "label": "string",
                        "summary": "string",
                        "key": "string"
                    "dpuId": "string",
                    "fru": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "type": "string",
                        "partName": "string",
                        "partNumber": "string",
                        "manufacturer": "string",
                        "serialNumber": "string",
                        "mfgTimeStamp": "string"
                    "sensors": [
                            "_typeName": "string",
                            "sensorId": "string",
                            "healthState": {
                                "_typeName": "string",
                                "label": "string",
                                "summary": "string",
                                "key": "string"
                            "reading": "string",
                            "units": "string",
                            "timeStamp": "string"
    "dasHostState": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "state": "string",
        "stateReporter": {
            "_typeName": "string",
            "type": "string",
            "value": "string"
    "tpmPcrValues": [
            "_typeName": "string",
            "digestMethod": "string",
            "digestValue": [
            "objectName": "string",
            "pcrNumber": 0
    "vsanRuntimeInfo": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "membershipList": [
                "_typeName": "string",
                "nodeUuid": "string",
                "hostname": "string"
        "diskIssues": [
                "_typeName": "string",
                "diskId": "string",
                "issue": "string"
        "accessGenNo": 0
    "networkRuntimeInfo": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "netStackInstanceRuntimeInfo": [
                "_typeName": "string",
                "netStackInstanceKey": "string",
                "state": "string",
                "vmknicKeys": [
                "maxNumberOfConnections": 0,
                "currentIpV6Enabled": false
        "networkResourceRuntime": {
            "_typeName": "string",
            "pnicResourceInfo": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "pnicDevice": "string",
                    "availableBandwidthForVMTraffic": 0,
                    "unusedBandwidthForVMTraffic": 0,
                    "placedVirtualNics": [
                            "_typeName": "string",
                            "vm": {
                                "_typeName": "string",
                                "type": "string",
                                "value": "string"
                            "vnicKey": "string",
                            "reservation": 0
    "vFlashResourceRuntimeInfo": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "usage": 0,
        "capacity": 0,
        "accessible": false,
        "capacityForVmCache": 0,
        "freeForVmCache": 0
    "hostMaxVirtualDiskCapacity": 0,
    "cryptoState": "string",
    "cryptoKeyId": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "keyId": "string",
        "providerId": {
            "_typeName": "string",
            "id": "string"
    "statelessNvdsMigrationReady": "string",
    "stateEncryption": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "protectionMode": "string",
        "requireSecureBoot": false,
        "requireExecInstalledOnly": false

Defines a host's connection state.

Possible values:

  • connected: Connected to the server.

    For ESX Server, this is always the setting.

  • notResponding: VirtualCenter is not receiving heartbeats from the server.

    The state automatically changes to connected once heartbeats are received again. This state is typically used to trigger an alarm on the host.

  • disconnected: The user has explicitly taken the host down.

    VirtualCenter does not expect to receive heartbeats from the host. The next time a heartbeat is received, the host is moved to the connected state again and an event is logged.

Possible values are : connected, notResponding, disconnected,

Defines a host's power state.

Possible values:

  • poweredOn: The host is powered on.

    A host that is entering standby mode entering is also in this state.

  • poweredOff: The host was specifically powered off by the user through VirtualCenter.

    This state is not a cetain state, because after VirtualCenter issues the command to power off the host, the host might crash, or kill all the processes but fail to power off.

  • standBy: The host was specifically put in standby mode, either explicitly by the user, or automatically by DPM.

    This state is not a cetain state, because after VirtualCenter issues the command to put the host in standby state, the host might crash, or kill all the processes but fail to power off. A host that is exiting standby mode exiting is also in this state.

  • unknown: If the host is disconnected, or notResponding, we cannot possibly have knowledge of its power state.

    Hence, the host is marked as unknown.

Possible values are : poweredOn, poweredOff, standBy, unknown,

The host's standby mode.

For valid values see HostStandbyModeEnum. The property is only populated by vCenter server. If queried directly from a ESX host, the property is is unset.


The flag to indicate whether or not the host is in maintenance mode.

This flag is set when the host has entered the maintenance mode. It is not set during the entering phase of maintenance mode.

See also HostSystem.EnterMaintenanceMode_Task, HostSystem.ExitMaintenanceMode_Task.


The flag to indicate whether or not the host is in quarantine mode.

InfraUpdateHa will recommend to set this flag based on the HealthUpdates received by the HealthUpdateProviders configured for the cluster. A host that is reported as degraded will be recommended to enter quarantine mode, while a host that is reported as healthy will be recommended to exit quarantine mode. Execution of these recommended actions will set this flag. Hosts in quarantine mode will be avoided by vSphere DRS as long as the increased consolidation in the cluster does not negatively affect VM performance.

See also HealthUpdateManager, ClusterInfraUpdateHaConfigInfo, ClusterHostInfraUpdateHaModeAction.

string As date-time As date-time

The time when the host was booted.


The system health runtime information


The ClusterDasFdmHostState data object describes the availability state of each active host in a vSphere HA enabled cluster.

In a vSphere HA cluster, the active hosts form a fault domain. A host is inactive if it is in standby or maintenance mode, or it has been disconnected from vCenter Server. A vSphere HA agent, called the Fault Domain Manager (FDM), runs on each host in the fault domain.

One FDM serves as the master and the remaining FDMs as its slaves. The master is responsible for monitoring the availability of the hosts and VMs in the cluster, and restarting any VMs that fail due to a host failure or non-user-initiated power offs. The master is also responsible for reporting fault-domain state to vCenter Server.

The master FDM is determined through election by the FDMs that are alive at the time. An election occurs in the following circumstances:

  • When the vSphere HA feature is enabled for the cluster.
  • When the master's host fails.
  • When the management network is partitioned. In a network partition there will be a master for each partition. However, only one master will be responsible for a given VM. When the partition is resolved, all but one of the masters will abdicate.
  • After a host in a vSphere HA cluster powers back up following a failure that caused all hosts in the cluster to power off.

The slaves are responsible for reporting state updates to the master and restarting VMs as required. All FDMs provide the VM/Application Health Monitoring Service.


Deprecated as of @released("5.1") this information should be considered to be neither complete nor reliable.

The array of PCR digest values stored in the TPM device since the last host boot time.


This data object contains VSAN cluster runtime information from the perspective of the host in question.

This data object is used to represent read-only state whose values may change during operation.


This data type describes network related runtime info


Data object provides vFlash resource runtime usage.

integer As int64 As int64

The maximum theoretical virtual disk capacity supported by this host


Encryption state of the host.

Valid values are enumerated by the CryptoState type.


Data Object representing a cryptographic key.


Indicating the host is ready for NVDS to VDS migration.

See HostRuntimeInfoStatelessNvdsMigrationStateEnum for supported values.

Since: vSphere API Release


This data type describes the host's persistent state encryption.

Since: vSphere API Release