

The specification to reconfigure Network Filter.

This specification allows the user to do fine-grained updates for the Filter in the port settings. If the operation is remove, only the key needs to be specified. If other fields are specified, they will be ignored. We cannot remove an inherited element. Only when the inherited flag is set to false and parent does not have an element with same key this operation succeeds. If the operation is add, then key should not be specified and other fields need to be specified. The inherited flag should be set to false. If the operation is edit, then key needs be specified and specify the other properties that need modification. If the inherited flag is set to true, a DvsFilterConfig object of same key must exist at the parent's level. The property values in the spec object will be ignored and use the values from the parent's DvsFilterConfig object instead. If inherited flag is set to false, then the new modifications will be applied.

This class requires all of the following:
JSON Example
    "_typeName": "string",
    "inherited": false,
    "key": "string",
    "agentName": "string",
    "slotNumber": "string",
    "parameters": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "parameters": [
    "onFailure": "string",
    "operation": "string"

Operation type.

See ConfigSpecOperationEnum for valid values.