

The ClusterDasConfigInfo data object contains configuration data about the HA service on a cluster.

All fields are optional. If you set the modify parameter to true when you call ReconfigureComputeResource_Task, an unset property has no effect on the existing property value in the cluster configuration on the Server. If you set the modify parameter to false when you reconfigure a cluster, the cluster configuration is reverted to the default values, then the new configuration values are applied.

This class requires all of the following:
JSON Example
    "_typeName": "string",
    "enabled": false,
    "vmMonitoring": "string",
    "hostMonitoring": "string",
    "vmComponentProtecting": "string",
    "failoverLevel": 0,
    "admissionControlPolicy": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "resourceReductionToToleratePercent": 0,
        "pMemAdmissionControlEnabled": false
    "admissionControlEnabled": false,
    "defaultVmSettings": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "restartPriority": "string",
        "restartPriorityTimeout": 0,
        "isolationResponse": "string",
        "vmToolsMonitoringSettings": {
            "_typeName": "string",
            "enabled": false,
            "vmMonitoring": "string",
            "clusterSettings": false,
            "failureInterval": 0,
            "minUpTime": 0,
            "maxFailures": 0,
            "maxFailureWindow": 0
        "vmComponentProtectionSettings": {
            "_typeName": "string",
            "vmStorageProtectionForAPD": "string",
            "enableAPDTimeoutForHosts": false,
            "vmTerminateDelayForAPDSec": 0,
            "vmReactionOnAPDCleared": "string",
            "vmStorageProtectionForPDL": "string"
    "option": [
            "_typeName": "string",
            "key": "string",
            "value": {
                "_typeName": "string"
    "heartbeatDatastore": [
            "_typeName": "string",
            "type": "string",
            "value": "string"
    "hBDatastoreCandidatePolicy": "string"

Flag to indicate whether or not vSphere HA feature is enabled.


Level of HA Virtual Machine Health Monitoring Service.

You can monitor both guest and application heartbeats, guest heartbeats only, or you can disable the service. See ClusterDasConfigInfoVmMonitoringStateEnum. The default value is vmMonitoringDisabled.

The Service level specified for the cluster determines the possible monitoring settings that you can use for individual virtual machines. See ClusterVmToolsMonitoringSettings.vmMonitoring.


Determines whether HA restarts virtual machines after a host fails.

The default value is ClusterDasConfigInfoServiceStateEnum.enabled. This property is meaningful only when ClusterDasConfigInfo.enabled is true.

When hostMonitoring is enabled, HA restarts virtual machines after a host fails.

When hostMonitoring is disabled, HA does not restart virtual machines after a host fails. The status of Host Monitoring does not affect other services such as virtual machine Health Monitoring or Fault Tolerance. The rest of the cluster operations follow normal processing. No configuration information is lost and re-enabling the service is a quick operation.


This property indicates if vSphere HA VM Component Protection service is enabled.

The default value is disabled.

When vmComponentProtecting is set to disabled, reaction to all types of VM component failures is disabled.

When vmComponentProtecting is set to enabled, VM Component Protection service will detect and react to component failures. The actual reaction is determined by ClusterVmComponentProtectionSettings which is referenced by both cluster level configuration (defaultVmSettings) and per-VM override dasVmConfig.

integer As int32 As int32

Deprecated as of vSphere API 4.0, use ClusterFailoverLevelAdmissionControlPolicy to set admissionControlPolicy.

Configured failover level.

This is the number of physical host failures that can be tolerated without impacting the ability to satisfy the minimums for all running virtual machines. Acceptable values range from one to four.


Base class for specifying how admission control should be done for vSphere HA.


Flag that determines whether strict admission control is enabled.

When you use admission control, the following operations are prevented, if doing so would violate the admissionControlPolicy.

  • Powering on a virtual machine in the cluster.
  • Migrating a virtual machine into the cluster.
  • Increasing the CPU or memory reservation of powered-on virtual machines in the cluster.

With admission control disabled, there is no assurance that all virtual machines in the HA cluster can be restarted after a host failure. VMware recommends that you do not disable admission control, but you might need to do so temporarily, for the following reasons:

  • If you need to violate the failover constraints when there are not enough resources to support them (for example, if you are placing hosts in standby mode to test them for use with DPM).
  • If an automated process needs to take actions that might temporarily violate the failover constraints (for example, as part of an upgrade directed by VMware Update Manager).
  • If you need to perform testing or maintenance operations.

The ClusterDasVmSettings data object contains the HA configuration settings specified for a single virtual machine (identified by ClusterDasVmConfigInfo.key) or as cluster-wide defaults ClusterDasConfigInfo.defaultVmSettings

All fields are optional. If you set the modify parameter to true when you call ReconfigureComputeResource_Task, an unset property has no effect on the existing property value in the cluster configuration on the Server. If you set the modify parameter to false when you reconfigure a cluster, the cluster configuration is reverted to the default values, then the new configuration values are applied.


Advanced settings.


The list of preferred datastores to use for storage heartbeating.

Each of the specified datastores should be active and mounted by more than one host. There is no limit on the number of specified datastores and no priority among them. The specified datastores will replace those previously specified and an empty list will delete all such earlier specified ones.

vCenter Server chooses the heartbeat datastores for a host from the set specified by hBDatastoreCandidatePolicy. The choice is made based on datastore connectivity and storage array redundancy (in case of VMFS).

The final set of selected heartbeat datastores is reported via heartbeatDatastoreInfo.


The policy on what datastores will be used by vCenter Server to choose heartbeat datastores.

See ClusterDasConfigInfoHBDatastoreCandidateEnum for all options. The default value is allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference.