

A boxed array of HostNetworkInfo. To be used in Any placeholders.

This class requires all of the following:
JSON Example
    "_typeName": "string",
    "_value": [
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            "vswitch": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "key": "string",
                    "numPorts": 0,
                    "numPortsAvailable": 0,
                    "mtu": 0,
                    "portgroup": [
                        "HostPortGroup Object"
                    "pnic": [
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                            "device": "string",
                            "pci": "string",
                            "driver": "string",
                            "driverVersion": "string",
                            "firmwareVersion": "string",
                            "linkSpeed": {
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                                "speedMb": 0,
                                "duplex": false
                            "validLinkSpecification": [
                                    "_typeName": "string",
                                    "speedMb": 0,
                                    "duplex": false
                            "spec": {
                                "_typeName": "string",
                                "ip": {
                                    "_typeName": "string",
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                                    "ipAddress": "string",
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                                    "ipV6Config": {
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                                                "prefixLength": 0,
                                                "origin": "string",
                                                "dadState": "string",
                                                "lifetime": "string",
                                                "operation": "string"
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                                        "dhcpV6Enabled": false
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                                "ensInterruptEnabled": false
                            "wakeOnLanSupported": false,
                            "mac": "string",
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                                "sourceMac": "string",
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                                        "vlanLow": 0,
                                        "vlanHigh": 0
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                                    "roceV2Capable": false,
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