

A boxed array of ConfigTarget. To be used in Any placeholders.

This class requires all of the following:
JSON Example
    "_typeName": "string",
    "_value": [
            "_typeName": "string",
            "numCpus": 0,
            "numCpuCores": 0,
            "numNumaNodes": 0,
            "maxCpusPerHost": 0,
            "smcPresent": false,
            "datastore": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "configurationTag": [
                    "datastore": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "datastore": {
                            "_typeName": "string",
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "string"
                        "name": "string",
                        "url": "string",
                        "capacity": 0,
                        "freeSpace": 0,
                        "uncommitted": 0,
                        "accessible": false,
                        "multipleHostAccess": false,
                        "type": "string",
                        "maintenanceMode": "string"
                    "capability": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "directoryHierarchySupported": false,
                        "rawDiskMappingsSupported": false,
                        "perFileThinProvisioningSupported": false,
                        "storageIORMSupported": false,
                        "nativeSnapshotSupported": false,
                        "topLevelDirectoryCreateSupported": false,
                        "seSparseSupported": false,
                        "vmfsSparseSupported": false,
                        "vsanSparseSupported": false,
                        "upitSupported": false,
                        "vmdkExpandSupported": false,
                        "clusteredVmdkSupported": false
                    "maxFileSize": 0,
                    "maxVirtualDiskCapacity": 0,
                    "maxPhysicalRDMFileSize": 0,
                    "maxVirtualRDMFileSize": 0,
                    "mode": "string",
                    "vStorageSupport": "string"
            "network": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "configurationTag": [
                    "network": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "network": {
                            "_typeName": "string",
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "string"
                        "name": "string",
                        "accessible": false,
                        "ipPoolName": "string",
                        "ipPoolId": 0
                    "vswitch": "string"
            "opaqueNetwork": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "configurationTag": [
                    "network": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "network": {
                            "_typeName": "string",
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "string"
                        "name": "string",
                        "accessible": false,
                        "ipPoolName": "string",
                        "ipPoolId": 0,
                        "opaqueNetworkId": "string",
                        "opaqueNetworkType": "string"
                    "networkReservationSupported": false
            "distributedVirtualPortgroup": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "switchName": "string",
                    "switchUuid": "string",
                    "portgroupName": "string",
                    "portgroupKey": "string",
                    "portgroupType": "string",
                    "uplinkPortgroup": false,
                    "portgroup": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "string"
                    "networkReservationSupported": false,
                    "backingType": "string",
                    "logicalSwitchUuid": "string",
                    "segmentId": "string"
            "distributedVirtualSwitch": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "switchName": "string",
                    "switchUuid": "string",
                    "distributedVirtualSwitch": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "string"
                    "networkReservationSupported": false
            "cdRom": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "configurationTag": [
                    "description": "string"
            "serial": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "configurationTag": [
            "parallel": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "configurationTag": [
            "sound": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "configurationTag": [
            "usb": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "configurationTag": [
                    "description": "string",
                    "vendor": 0,
                    "product": 0,
                    "physicalPath": "string",
                    "family": [
                    "speed": [
                    "summary": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "vm": {
                            "_typeName": "string",
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "string"
                        "runtime": {
                            "_typeName": "string",
                            "device": [
                                    "_typeName": "string",
                                    "runtimeState": {
                                        "_typeName": "string"
                                    "key": 0
                            "host": {
                                "_typeName": "string",
                                "type": "string",
                                "value": "string"
                            "connectionState": "string",
                            "powerState": "string",
                            "vmFailoverInProgress": false,
                            "faultToleranceState": "string",
                            "dasVmProtection": {
                                "_typeName": "string",
                                "dasProtected": false
                            "toolsInstallerMounted": false,
                            "suspendTime": "string",
                            "bootTime": "string",
                            "suspendInterval": 0,
                            "question": {
                                "_typeName": "string",
                                "id": "string",
                                "text": "string",
                                "choice": {
                                    "_typeName": "string",
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                                            "label": "string",
                                            "summary": "string",
                                            "key": "string"
                                    "defaultIndex": 0
                                "message": [
                                        "_typeName": "string",
                                        "id": "string",
                                        "argument": [
                                                "_typeName": "string"
                                        "text": "string"
                            "memoryOverhead": 0,
                            "maxCpuUsage": 0,
                            "maxMemoryUsage": 0,
                            "numMksConnections": 0,
                            "recordReplayState": "string",
                            "cleanPowerOff": false,
                            "needSecondaryReason": "string",
                            "onlineStandby": false,
                            "minRequiredEVCModeKey": "string",
                            "consolidationNeeded": false,
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                                    "key": "string",
                                    "featureName": "string",
                                    "value": "string"
                            "featureRequirement": [
                                    "_typeName": "string",
                                    "key": "string",
                                    "featureName": "string",
                                    "value": "string"
                            "featureMask": [
                                    "_typeName": "string",
                                    "key": "string",
                                    "featureName": "string",
                                    "value": "string"
                            "vFlashCacheAllocation": 0,
                            "paused": false,
                            "snapshotInBackground": false,
                            "quiescedForkParent": false,
                            "instantCloneFrozen": false,
                            "cryptoState": "string",
                            "suspendedToMemory": false,
                            "opNotificationTimeout": 0,
                            "iommuActive": false
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                            "toolsVersionStatus": "string",
                            "toolsVersionStatus2": "string",
                            "toolsRunningStatus": "string",
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                            "name": "string",
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                            "vmPathName": "string",
                            "memorySizeMB": 0,
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                            "memoryReservation": 0,
                            "numCpu": 0,
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                            "annotation": "string",
                            "product": {
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                                "key": 0,
                                "classId": "string",
                                "instanceId": "string",
                                "name": "string",
                                "vendor": "string",
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                                "productUrl": "string",
                                "appUrl": "string"
                            "installBootRequired": false,
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                                "role": 0,
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                                "type": "string"
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                            "overallCpuDemand": 0,
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                            "guestHeartbeatStatus": "string",
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                            "uptimeSeconds": 0,
                            "ssdSwappedMemory": 0,
                            "activeMemory": 0,
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                                    "_typeName": "string",
                                    "memoryTierType": "string",
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                        "customValue": [
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                                "key": 0
            "floppy": [
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                    "name": "string",
                    "configurationTag": [
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                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "name": "string"
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                    "configurationTag": [
                    "capacity": 0,
                    "vm": [
                            "_typeName": "string",
                            "type": "string",
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                        "key": "string",
                        "uuid": "string",
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                                "_typeName": "string",
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                            "namespace": "string",
                            "namespaceId": 0,
                            "data": [
                        "alternateName": [
                                "_typeName": "string",
                                "namespace": "string",
                                "namespaceId": 0,
                                "data": [
                        "standardInquiry": [
                        "queueDepth": 0,
                        "operationalState": [
                        "capabilities": {
                            "_typeName": "string",
                            "updateDisplayNameSupported": false
                        "vStorageSupport": "string",
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                        "applicationProtocol": "string",
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                            "block": 0
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                            "vsanUuid": "string",
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                    "lunNumber": 0
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                    "name": "string",
                    "configurationTag": [
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                            "id": 0,
                            "capacity": 0
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                    "reservationUsedForVm": 0,
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                    "unreservedForVm": 0,
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                    "name": "string",
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                        "id": "string",
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                    "name": "string",
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                    "devicePool": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "key": "string"
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                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "configurationTag": [
                    "vFlashModule": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "vFlashModule": "string",
                        "vFlashModuleVersion": "string",
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                                    "label": "string",
                                    "summary": "string",
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                                    "summary": "string",
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                            "min": 0,
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                            "min": 0,
                            "max": 0,
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                    "name": "string",
                    "configurationTag": [
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                    "configurationTag": [
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                "name": "string",
                "configurationTag": [
                "maxEpcSize": 0,
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                "requireAttestationSupported": false
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                    "name": "string",
                    "configurationTag": [
                    "systemClockProtocol": "string"
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            "vgpuDeviceInfo": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "configurationTag": [
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                    "deviceVendorId": 0,
                    "maxFbSizeInGib": 0,
                    "timeSlicedCapable": false,
                    "migCapable": false,
                    "computeProfileCapable": false,
                    "quadroProfileCapable": false
            "vgpuProfileInfo": [
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                    "name": "string",
                    "configurationTag": [
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                    "deviceVendorId": 0,
                    "fbSizeInGib": 0,
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                            "name": "string",
                            "configurationTag": [
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                            "stunTime": 0
            "vendorDeviceGroupInfo": [
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                    "name": "string",
                    "configurationTag": [
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                    "componentDeviceInfo": [
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                            "type": "string",
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                            "deviceName": "string",
                            "isConfigurable": false,
                            "device": {
                                "_typeName": "string",
                                "key": 0,
                                "deviceInfo": {
                                    "_typeName": "string",
                                    "label": "string",
                                    "summary": "string"
                                "backing": {
                                    "_typeName": "string"
                                "connectable": {
                                    "_typeName": "string",
                                    "migrateConnect": "string",
                                    "startConnected": false,
                                    "allowGuestControl": false,
                                    "connected": false,
                                    "status": "string"
                                "slotInfo": {
                                    "_typeName": "string"
                                "controllerKey": 0,
                                "unitNumber": 0,
                                "numaNode": 0,
                                "deviceGroupInfo": {
                                    "_typeName": "string",
                                    "groupInstanceKey": 0,
                                    "sequenceId": 0
            "maxSimultaneousThreads": 0,
            "dvxClassInfo": [
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                    "deviceClass": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "label": "string",
                        "summary": "string",
                        "key": "string"
                    "vendorName": "string",
                    "sriovNic": false,
                    "configParams": [
                            "_typeName": "string",
                            "label": "string",
                            "summary": "string",
                            "key": "string",
                            "optionType": {
                                "_typeName": "string",
                                "valueIsReadonly": false
