Virtual Infrastructure Host Local Account Manager APIs

Virtual Infrastructure Host Local Account Manager APIs

This managed object type provides an interface through which local accounts on a host are managed.

Note that this managed object applies only to applications that use a local account database on the host to provide authentication (ESX Server, for example). POSIX and win32 hosts may impose different restrictions on the password, ID, and description formats. POSIX host implementation may restrict the user or group name to be lower case letters and less than 16 characters in total. It may also disallow characters such as ";", "\n", and so on. In short, all the platform dependent rules and restrictions regarding naming of users/groups and password apply here. An InvalidArgument fault is thrown if any of these rules are not obeyed.

Host Local Account Manager Assign User To Group
Assigns a user to a group.
Host Local Account Manager Change Password
Updates the password of a local user account.
Host Local Account Manager Create Group
Creates a local group account using the parameters defined in the *HostLocalAccountManagerAccountSpecification* data object type.
Host Local Account Manager Create User
Creates a local user account using the parameters defined in the *HostLocalAccountManagerAccountSpecification* data object type.
Host Local Account Manager Remove Group
Removes a local group account.
Host Local Account Manager Remove User
Removes a local user account.
Host Local Account Manager Unassign User From Group
Unassigns a user from a group.
Host Local Account Manager Update User
Updates a local user account using the parameters defined in the *HostLocalAccountManagerAccountSpecification* data object type.