Virtual Infrastructure Host Authentication Manager APIs

Virtual Infrastructure Host Authentication Manager APIs

The HostAuthenticationManager managed object provides access to Active Directory configuration information for an ESX host.

It also provides access to methods for adding a host to or removing a host from an Active Directory domain.

The vSphere API supports Microsoft Active Directory management of authentication for ESX hosts. To integrate an ESX host into an Active Directory environment, you use an Active Directory account that has the authority to add a computer to a domain. The ESX Server locates the Active Directory domain controller. When you add a host to a domain, you only need to specify the domain and the account user name and password.

There are two approaches that you can use to add an ESX host to or remove a host from an Active Directory domain.

  • JoinDomain_Task and LeaveCurrentDomain_Task methods - Your vSphere client application can call these methods directly to add the host to or remove the host from a domain.
  • Host configuration - Use the HostActiveDirectory data object to specify Active Directory configuration, either adding the host to or removing the host from a domain. To apply the Active Directory configuration, use the HostProfileManager method (ApplyHostConfig_Task) to apply the HostConfigSpec. When the ESX Server processes the configuration, it will invoke the join or leave method.

To take advantage of ESX host membership in an Active Directory domain, grant permissions on the ESX host to Active Directory users and groups who should have direct access to management of the ESX host. Use the UserDirectory.RetrieveUserGroups method to obtain information about Active Directory users and groups. After retrieving the Active Directory data, you can use the AuthorizationManager.SetEntityPermissions method to set the principal property to the appropriate user or group.

By default, the ESX host assigns the Administrator role to the "ESX Admins" group. If the group does not exist when the host joins the domain, the host will not assign the role. In this case, you must create the "ESX Admins" group in the Active Directory. The host will periodically check the domain controller for the group and will assign the role when the group exists.

Host Authentication Manager Get Info
Information about Active Directory membership.
Host Authentication Manager Get Supported Store
An array that can contain managed object references to local and Active Directory authentication managed objects.