Virtual Infrastructure File Manager APIs

Virtual Infrastructure File Manager APIs

This managed object type provides a way to manage and manipulate files and folders on datastores.

The source and the destination names are in the form of a URL or a datastore path.

A URL has the form



  • scheme is http or https.

  • authority specifies the hostname or IP address of the VirtualCenter or ESX server and optionally the port.

  • dcPath is the inventory path to the Datacenter containing the Datastore.

  • dsName is the name of the Datastore.

  • path is a slash-delimited path from the root of the datastore.

    A datastore path has the form

    [datastore] path


  • datastore is the datastore name.

  • path is a slash-delimited path from the root of the datastore.

An example datastore path is "[storage] path/to/file.extension". A listing of all the files, disks and folders on a datastore can be obtained from the datastore browser.

See also HostDatastoreBrowser.

File Manager Change Owner
Change the owner for a file.
File Manager Copy Datastore File Task
Copies the source file or folder to the destination.
File Manager Delete Datastore File Task
Deletes the specified file or folder from the datastore.
File Manager Make Directory
Create a folder using the specified name.
File Manager Move Datastore File Task
Moves the source file or folder to the destination.
File Manager Query File Lock Info
Fetches as much information as possible for the file path passed in.