

The PbmObjectTypeEnum enumerated type defines vSphere Server object types that are known to the Storage Policy Server.

See PbmServerObjectRef.objectType.

Possible values:

  • virtualMachine: Indicates a virtual machine, not including the disks, identified by the virtual machine identifier virtual-machine-mor.
  • virtualMachineAndDisks: Indicates the virtual machine and all its disks, identified by the virtual machine identifier virtual-machine-mor.
  • virtualDiskId: Indicates a virtual disk, identified by disk key (virtual-machine-mor:disk-key).
  • virtualDiskUUID: Indicates a virtual disk, identified by UUID - for First Class Storage Object support.
  • datastore: Indicates a datastore.
  • vsanObjectId: Indicates a VSAN object
  • fileShareId: Indicates a file service
  • unknown: Unknown object type.
This data structure has no properties.
Enumeration: virtualMachine, virtualMachineAndDisks, virtualDiskId, virtualDiskUUID, datastore, vsanObjectId, fileShareId, unknown,