Property Collector Create Property Collector

Property Collector Create Property Collector

Creates a new session-specific PropertyCollector that can be used to retrieve property updates independent of any other PropertyCollector.

The newly created PropertyCollector is not tied to the creating PropertyCollector in any way and exists until it is destroyed by a call to DestroyPropertyCollector or until the session on which the PropertyCollector was created is closed. This is in contrast to the default PropertyCollector, which always exists, but still has session-specific data such as filters and unfinished update calculations that are discarded when the associated session is closed.

A new PropertyCollector can be useful when multiple modules or even multiple clients that share the same session need to create their own PropertyFilter objects and process updates independently. They may also be useful to allow important updates to be seen on one PropertyCollector while a large update is being calculated on another. The underlying issue that this addresses is that any call to WaitForUpdates, CheckForUpdates, or WaitForUpdatesEx does updates on all the filters created on a given PropertyCollector on a given session.

A more subtle use of multiple PropertyCollector objects is implied by the fact that the returned version value for the various updates calculations is strongly ordered. The only way this can make sense is that two different versions calculated on the same PropertyCollector on the same session cannot ever be created in parallel. This means that multiple calls to WaitForUpdates, CheckForUpdates, or WaitForUpdatesEx made to the same PropertyCollector on the same session on different threads of the same client, or even on different clients that share the same session are still handled on the server serially. Use of different PropertyCollector instances allows the server to handle these calculations in parallel.

Typically a service that supports the PropertyCollector managed object type will automatically create a default PropertyCollector and provide some way to obtain a reference to this PropertyCollector. If not, it will have to provide some service-specific way to create the a PropertyCollector.

Required privileges: System.View

Path Parameters

The unique identifier for the managed object to which the method attaches; the serialized managed object reference for a request has the form moType/moId, in this case PropertyCollector/{moId}.


The vSphere release schema. The current specification covers vSphere APIs.

This operation uses the following authentication methods.

A reference to the new PropertyCollector.

Returns MoRefPropertyCollector of type(s) application/json
This response body class contains all of the following: ManagedObjectReference
    "_typeName": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "value": "string"