Host Profile Manager Validate Host Profile Composition Task

Host Profile Manager Validate Host Profile Composition Task

Validates the proposed host profile composition.

Required privileges: Profile.Edit

Path Parameters

The unique identifier for the managed object to which the method attaches; the serialized managed object reference for a request has the form moType/moId, in this case HostProfileManager/{moId}.


The vSphere release schema. The current specification covers vSphere APIs.

Request Body
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                                "value": {
                                    "_typeName": "string"
            "profileTypeName": "string",
            "profileVersion": "string",
            "property": [
                "ProfileApplyProfileProperty Object"
            "favorite": false,
            "toBeMerged": false,
            "toReplaceWith": false,
            "toBeDeleted": false,
            "copyEnableStatus": false,
            "hidden": false,
            "activeDirectory": {
                "_typeName": "string",
                "enabled": false,
                "policy": [
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "id": "string",
                        "policyOption": {
                            "_typeName": "string",
                            "id": "string",
                            "parameter": [
                                    "_typeName": "string",
                                    "key": "string",
                                    "value": {
                                        "_typeName": "string"
                "profileTypeName": "string",
                "profileVersion": "string",
                "property": [
                    "ProfileApplyProfileProperty Object"
                "favorite": false,
                "toBeMerged": false,
                "toReplaceWith": false,
                "toBeDeleted": false,
                "copyEnableStatus": false,
                "hidden": false
    "errorOnly": false

Reference to an instance of the Profile managed object.


The array of target host profiles that the configurations composite into.


The HostApplyProfile data object provides access to subprofiles that contain configuration data for different host capabilities.

The Profile Engine will use any configuration data that you supply to overwrite the host configuration. See the ExecuteHostProfile and ApplyHostConfig_Task methods.


The HostApplyProfile data object provides access to subprofiles that contain configuration data for different host capabilities.

The Profile Engine will use any configuration data that you supply to overwrite the host configuration. See the ExecuteHostProfile and ApplyHostConfig_Task methods.


The HostApplyProfile data object provides access to subprofiles that contain configuration data for different host capabilities.

The Profile Engine will use any configuration data that you supply to overwrite the host configuration. See the ExecuteHostProfile and ApplyHostConfig_Task methods.


The HostApplyProfile data object provides access to subprofiles that contain configuration data for different host capabilities.

The Profile Engine will use any configuration data that you supply to overwrite the host configuration. See the ExecuteHostProfile and ApplyHostConfig_Task methods.


Indicates that the validation result for each target don't contain the source-target difference.

This operation uses the following authentication methods.

This method will returns a Task object with which to monitor the operation. The will contain a HostProfileManagerCompositionValidationResult object containing the status of the operation, any validation errors and the validation results.

Returns MoRefTask of type(s) application/json
This response body class contains all of the following: MoRefExtensibleManagedObject
    "_typeName": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "value": "string"