Host Graphics Manager Get Graphics Config
Graphics Configuration
Required privileges: System.Read
The unique identifier for the managed object to which the property attaches; the serialized managed object reference for a request has the form moType/moId
, in this case HostGraphicsManager/{moId}
The vSphere release schema. The current specification covers vSphere APIs.
"_typeName": "string",
"hostDefaultGraphicsType": "string",
"sharedPassthruAssignmentPolicy": "string",
"deviceType": [
"_typeName": "string",
"deviceId": "string",
"graphicsType": "string"
The host default graphics type (@see GraphicsType).
This default value can be overridden by specifying graphics type for an individual device. If host supports a single graphics type, specifying an individual graphics device is optional.
The policy for assigning shared passthrough VMs to a host graphics device (see @SharedPassthruAssignmentPolicy).
Graphics devices and their associated type.