Failover Cluster Configurator APIs

Failover Cluster Configurator APIs

FailoverClusterConfigurator provides operations to create and configure a vCenter High Availability Cluster (VCHA Cluster).

A VCHA Cluster consists of three VMs. One is the Active vCenter VM that serves client requests. Second is the Passive VM that is identical to the Active vCenter VM in terms of resources and capabilities. Passive VM constantly receives updates from Active VM and takes over the role of Active vCenter VM in the event of failover. Third is the Witness VM that acts as a quorum VM in a VCHA Cluster. Sole purpose of Witness VM is to avoid classic split-brain problem in a VCHA Cluster. A VCHA Cluster can be deployed in two possible ways - 1. Automatic deployment - Configuration (described below) inputs for each node in a VCHA Cluster is provided by the user. A Deployment workflow is used that automatically deploys Passive and Witness VM and configures each node to form a VCHA Cluster. 2. Manual deployment - User provisions and creates Passive and Witness VMs and uses Configuration workflow to configure Active, Passive and Witness VM to form a VCHA Cluster. Passive and Witness VMs must be created using the VM-Clone operation with Active VM as the source.

Failover Cluster Configurator Configure Vcha Task
Configure VCHA on the local vCenter Server.
Failover Cluster Configurator Create Passive Node Task
Creates a Passive node in a degraded VCHA Cluster with node location information and pre-existing VCHA Cluster configuration from the Active node.
Failover Cluster Configurator Create Witness Node Task
Creates a Witness node in a degraded VCHA Cluster with node location information and pre-existing VCHA Cluster configuration from the Active node.
Failover Cluster Configurator Deploy Vcha Task
Deploys and Configures VCHA on the local vCenter as a single API.
Failover Cluster Configurator Destroy Vcha Task
Destroys the VCHA cluster setup and removes all VCHA specific configuration from the VCVA appliance.
Failover Cluster Configurator Get Disabled Configure Method
A list of method names that must not be called and will throw a fault due to some other method running that the disabled method can cause side-effects for.
Failover Cluster Configurator Get Vcha Config
Returns the configuration information for each node that is part of the VCHA Cluster.
Failover Cluster Configurator Prepare Vcha Task
Prepares the vCenter appliance for a VCHA cluster deployment.