A subset of virtual machine configuration.
"_typeName": "string",
"name": "string",
"template": false,
"vmPathName": "string",
"memorySizeMB": 0,
"cpuReservation": 0,
"memoryReservation": 0,
"numCpu": 0,
"numEthernetCards": 0,
"numVirtualDisks": 0,
"uuid": "string",
"instanceUuid": "string",
"guestId": "string",
"guestFullName": "string",
"annotation": "string",
"product": {
"_typeName": "string",
"key": 0,
"classId": "string",
"instanceId": "string",
"name": "string",
"vendor": "string",
"version": "string",
"fullVersion": "string",
"vendorUrl": "string",
"productUrl": "string",
"appUrl": "string"
"installBootRequired": false,
"ftInfo": {
"_typeName": "string",
"role": 0,
"instanceUuids": [
"configPaths": [
"orphaned": false
"managedBy": {
"_typeName": "string",
"extensionKey": "string",
"type": "string"
"tpmPresent": false,
"numVmiopBackings": 0,
"hwVersion": "string"
Name of the virtual machine.
Flag to determine whether or not this virtual machine is a template.
Path name to the configuration file for the virtual machine
Memory size of the virtual machine, in megabytes.
Configured CPU reservation in MHz
Configured Memory reservation in MB
Number of processors in the virtual machine.
Number of virtual network adapters.
Number of virtual disks attached to the virtual machine.
Virtual machine BIOS identification.
VC-specific identifier of the virtual machine
Guest operating system identifier (short name).
Guest operating system name configured on the virtual machine.
Description for the virtual machine.
Information that describes what product a vApp contains, for example, the software that is installed in the contained virtual machines.
Whether the VM requires a reboot to finish installation.
False if no vApp meta-data is configured.
FaultToleranceConfigInfo is a data object type containing Fault Tolerance settings for this virtual machine.
role, instanceUuids and configPaths contain information about the whole fault tolerance group.
The ManagedByInfo data object contains information about the extension responsible for the life-cycle of the entity.
Is TPM present in a VM?
Number of VMIOP backed devices attached to the virtual machine.
The hardware version string for this virtual machine.