

A set of updates that represent the changes since a prior call to CheckForUpdates, WaitForUpdates, or WaitForUpdatesEx.

This class requires all of the following:
JSON Example
    "_typeName": "string",
    "version": "string",
    "filterSet": [
            "_typeName": "string",
            "filter": {
                "_typeName": "string",
                "type": "string",
                "value": "string"
            "objectSet": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "kind": "string",
                    "obj": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "string"
                    "changeSet": [
                            "_typeName": "string",
                            "name": "string",
                            "op": "string",
                            "val": {
                                "_typeName": "string"
                    "missingSet": [
                            "_typeName": "string",
                            "path": "string",
                            "fault": {
                                "_typeName": "string",
                                "faultCause": "MethodFault Object",
                                "faultMessage": [
                                        "_typeName": "string",
                                        "key": "string",
                                        "arg": [
                                                "_typeName": "string",
                                                "key": "string",
                                                "value": {
                                                    "_typeName": "string"
                                        "message": "string"
            "missingSet": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "obj": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "string"
                    "fault": {
                        "_typeName": "string",
                        "faultCause": "MethodFault Object",
                        "faultMessage": [
                                "_typeName": "string",
                                "key": "string",
                                "arg": [
                                        "_typeName": "string",
                                        "key": "string",
                                        "value": {
                                            "_typeName": "string"
                                "message": "string"
    "truncated": false

New data version to pass in the next call to PropertyCollector.CheckForUpdates, PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdates, or PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdatesEx.

These versions, although they are opaque, are strongly ordered in the sense that passing a version to PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdates, PropertyCollector.CheckForUpdates or PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdatesEx requests updates that reflect changes in the objects selected by the Filter that happened after the specified version.


Set of managed object updates detected by specific filters.

Updates are reported in sets. Each set is associated with a reference to a filter that detected the updates in the set.


If true, this UpdateSet contains results from a suspended change calculation, which places restrictions on the use of version.

The PropertyCollector may suspend a calculation due to server policy or if the total number of ObjectUpdate entries summed across every PropertyFilterUpdate reached the maximum specified in WaitOptions.maxObjectUpdates. The client can pass the "truncated data version" to PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdatesEx to resume the update calculation, which will start on the filter where it left off. A truncated data version cannot be used more than once and may not be passed to PropertyCollector.CheckForUpdates or PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdates. UpdateSet.truncated will never be true in an UpdateSet returned from PropertyCollector.CheckForUpdates or PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdates.

If false, this UpdateSet contains a complete change calculation or the last part of a series of suspended change calculations. The version may be passed to PropertyCollector.CheckForUpdates, PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdates, or PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdatesEx more than once. Re-using a version allows a client to recover a change sequence after a transient failure on a previous call.