

Possible values:

  • notConfigured: VirtualMachine is not configured for replication

  • poweredOff: VirtualMachine is powered off (and is not undergoing offline replication)

  • suspended: VirtualMachine is suspended (and is not undergoing offline replication)

  • poweredOn: VirtualMachine is powered on

  • offlineReplicating: VirtualMachine is in the process of creating an an offline instance.

  • invalidState: VirtualMachine is in an invalid state

  • invalidInstanceId: The specified instanceId does not match the VirtualMachine instanceId

  • closeDiskError: VirtualMachine is in the process of creating an offline instance and we are trying to disable it.

    The first step is to close the offline disk. If closing disks is not successful, throw this fault.

  • groupExist: VirtualMachine is trying to create a group already owned by another VM.

This data structure has no properties.
Enumeration: notConfigured, poweredOff, suspended, poweredOn, offlineReplicating, invalidState, invalidInstanceId, closeDiskError, groupExist,