

A common base type fault for all Ovf related faults.

The structure of OvfFault is as listed.

  • OvfFault
    • OvfInvalidPackage
      • OvfXmlFormat
      • OvfWrongNamespace
      • OvfElement
        • OvfElementInvalidValue
        • OvfUnexpectedElement
        • OvfDuplicateElement
        • OvfMissingElement
        • OvfMissingElementNormalBoundary
        • OvfDuplicatedElementBoundary
      • OvfAttribute
        • OvfMissingAttribute
        • OvfInvalidValue
          • OvfInvalidValueFormatMalformed
          • OvfInvalidValueConfiguration
          • OvfInvalidValueReference
          • OvfInvalidValueEmpty
      • OvfProperty
        • OvfPropertyType
        • OvfPropertyValue
        • OvfPropertyNetwork
        • OvfPropertyQualifier
        • OvfPropertyQualifierWarning
    • OvfConstraint
      • OvfDiskOrderConstraint
      • OvfHostResourceConstraint
    • OvfUnsupportedPackage
      • OvfNoHostNic
      • OvfInvalidVmName
      • OvfUnsupportedAttribute
        • OvfUnsupportedAttributeValue
      • OvfUnsupportedElement
        • OvfUnsupportedElementValue
        • OvfUnsupportedSection
        • OvfNoSpaceOnController
      • OvfUnsupportedType
      • OvfUnsupportedSubType
      • OvfHardwareCheck
      • OvfNoSupportedHardwareFamily
    • OvfExport
      • OvfExportFailed
      • OvfHardwareExport
        • OvfUnsupportedDeviceExport
        • OvfUnknownDeviceBacking
        • OvfConnectedDevice
          • OvfConnectedDeviceISO
        • OvfUnableToExportDisk
      • OvfPropertyExport
      • OvfPropertyNetworkExport
      • OvfDuplicatedPropertyIdExport
    • OvfImport (these are typically returned as warnings)
      • OvfImportFailed
      • OvfHardwareCheck
      • OvfMissingHardware
      • OvfCpuCompatibility
      • OvfCpuCompatibilityCheckNotSupported
      • OvfUnsupportedDiskProvisioning
      • OvfDuplicatedPropertyIdImport
      • OvfNetworkMappingNotSupported
    • OvfSystemFault
      • OvfDiskMappingNotFound
      • OvfHostValueNotParsed
      • OvfInternalError
      • OvfUnsupportedDeviceBackingOption
      • OvfUnsupportedDeviceBackingInfo
      • OvfToXmlUnsupportedElement
      • OvfUnknownDevice
      • OvfUnknownEntity
    • OvfConsumerCallbackFault
      • OvfConsumerFault
      • OvfConsumerCommunicationError
      • OvfConsumerInvalidSection
      • OvfConsumerUndeclaredSection
      • OvfConsumerUndefinedPrefix

All messages go into the vimlocale

This class requires all of the following:
JSON Example
    "_typeName": "string",
    "faultCause": "MethodFault Object",
    "faultMessage": [
            "_typeName": "string",
            "key": "string",
            "arg": [
                    "_typeName": "string",
                    "key": "string",
                    "value": {
                        "_typeName": "string"
            "message": "string"