Deprecated as of vSphere 6.7u1, use NamespaceDetails.
Detailed information about a particular namespace.
"_typeName": "string",
"uuid": "string",
"friendlyName": "string",
"blockSize": 0,
"blockCount": 0,
"type": "string",
"namespaceHealthStatus": "string",
"locationID": 0,
"state": "string"
Universally unique identifier assigned to namespace in string format
Friendly name of namespace
Size of logical block size.
For persistent region type, block size is one. For block region, block size represents one of the logical block sizes of 512, 4096 etc.
Number of blocks in the namespace.
For persistent region type, blockCount is the size of persistent region in bytes. For block region type, block count represent number of bytes per block size.
Type of the namespace to be created - block or persistent.
Must be one of the values in NvdimmNamespaceTypeEnum
Health status of DIMM(s) part of the namespace.
Must be one of the values of NvdimmNamespaceHealthStatusEnum
This identifier is the interleave set ID if this namespace is being used in persistent mode.
If in block mode, this is a nvdimm device handle.