Specifies the parameters necessary to connect to a Discovery Service and retrieve a Discovery Log Page.
Here the transportParameters are used to establish a transport level connection to a Discovery Controller. Further details can be found here:
- "NVM Express over Fabrics 1.0", Section 5, "Discovery service"
"_typeName": "string",
"hbaName": "string",
"transportParameters": {
"_typeName": "string"
"autoConnect": false,
"rootDiscoveryController": false
Indicates whether the specified adapter should automatically be connected to all the discovered controllers.
It is possible to automatically connect to all discovered controllers. This will only be attempted if this flag is set to true. Whether the connection attempt for an entry succeeded can then be determined via the corresponding connected field.
If set to true, this flag indicates we are connecting to a root/central discovery controller (RDC/CDC).
This will create a persistent connection between the host and the root discovery controller, thus enabling some advanced features.
Since: vSphere API Release