

This data object type describes network policies that can be configured for both virtual switches and port groups.

The policy settings on the port group can inherit policy settings from their containing virtual switch. These policy settings are inherited if the settings on the port group are not set. Since every policy setting on a port group is optional, every individual policy setting can be inherited.

By contrast, if a host is capable of implementing a policy setting, every virtual switch has some value assigned to the policy setting. In this case, although all of the policy settings are optional, they always have some value either by inheritance or by direct setting.

Policy settings are organized into policy groups such as SecurityPolicy. Policy groups are optional since it is possible that a host may not implement such policies. If a host does not support a policy group, the policy group is not set on both the virtual switches and the port groups.

See also HostNetCapabilities.

This class requires all of the following:
JSON Example
    "_typeName": "string",
    "security": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "allowPromiscuous": false,
        "macChanges": false,
        "forgedTransmits": false
    "nicTeaming": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "policy": "string",
        "reversePolicy": false,
        "notifySwitches": false,
        "rollingOrder": false,
        "failureCriteria": {
            "_typeName": "string",
            "checkSpeed": "string",
            "speed": 0,
            "checkDuplex": false,
            "fullDuplex": false,
            "checkErrorPercent": false,
            "percentage": 0,
            "checkBeacon": false
        "nicOrder": {
            "_typeName": "string",
            "activeNic": [
            "standbyNic": [
    "offloadPolicy": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "csumOffload": false,
        "tcpSegmentation": false,
        "zeroCopyXmit": false
    "shapingPolicy": {
        "_typeName": "string",
        "enabled": false,
        "averageBandwidth": 0,
        "peakBandwidth": 0,
        "burstSize": 0

This data object type describes security policy governing ports.


Policy for a network adapter team.


Deprecated as of VI API 4.0, the system defaults will be used.

Offload capabilities are used to optimize virtual machine network performance.

When a virtual machine is transmitting on a network, some operations can be offloaded either to the host or to physical hardware. This data object type defines the set of offload capabilities that may be available on a host.

This data object type is used both to publish the list of offload capabilities and to contain offload capability policy settings. The network policy logic is built on a two-level inheritance scheme which requires that all settings be optional. As a result, all properties on the NetOffloadCapabilities object must be optional.

See also HostNetworkPolicy.


This data object type describes traffic shaping policy.