

Deprecated as of vSphere API 7.0, use VmFaultToleranceConfigIssueReasonForIssueEnum.

Set of possible values for ftCompatibilityIssues

Possible values:

  • vMotionNotLicensed: No VMotion license
  • missingVMotionNic: VMotion nic is not configured on the host
  • missingFTLoggingNic: FT logging nic is not configured on the host
  • ftNotLicensed: Host does not have proper FT license
  • haAgentIssue: Host does not have HA agent running properly
  • unsupportedProduct: VMware product installed on the host does not support fault tolerance
  • cpuHvUnsupported: Host CPU does not support hardware virtualization
  • cpuHwmmuUnsupported: Host CPU does not support hardware MMU virtualization
  • cpuHvDisabled: Host CPU is compatible for replay-based FT, but hardware virtualization has been disabled in the BIOS.
This data structure has no properties.
Enumeration: vMotionNotLicensed, missingVMotionNic, missingFTLoggingNic, ftNotLicensed, haAgentIssue, unsupportedProduct, cpuHvUnsupported, cpuHwmmuUnsupported, cpuHvDisabled,