

The ClusterDrsConfigInfo data object contains configuration information for the VMware DRS service.

All fields are optional. If you set the modify parameter to true when you call ReconfigureComputeResource_Task, an unset property has no effect on the existing property value in the cluster configuration on the Server. If you set the modify parameter to false when you reconfigure a cluster, the cluster configuration is reverted to the default values, then the new configuration values are applied.

This class requires all of the following:
JSON Example
    "_typeName": "string",
    "enabled": false,
    "enableVmBehaviorOverrides": false,
    "defaultVmBehavior": "string",
    "vmotionRate": 0,
    "scaleDescendantsShares": "string",
    "option": [
            "_typeName": "string",
            "key": "string",
            "value": {
                "_typeName": "string"

Deprecated as of vSphere API 7.0. To disable DRS load balancing, please use the lowest DRS aggressiveness level, setting vmotionRate to 5, and/or setting defaultVmBehavior to manual. The former only generates manadatory move recommendations, not load balancing recommendations. The latter only generates recommendations, without executing them. To remove all the child resource pools, please find the root resource pool resourcePool, and destroy all its children DestroyChildren. Vice versa.

Flag indicating whether or not DRS service is enabled.


Flag that dictates whether DRS Behavior overrides for individual virtual machines (ClusterDrsVmConfigInfo) are enabled.

The default value is true.

When this flag is true, the ClusterConfigSpecEx.drsVmConfigSpec values override the defaultVmBehavior.

When this flag is false, the defaultVmBehavior value applies to all virtual machines, with the following exception: in a cluster that has EVC disabled, you cannot override the virtual machine setting (drsVmConfigSpec) for Fault Tolerance virtual machines.


Possible values:

  • manual: Specifies that VirtualCenter should generate recommendations for virtual machine migration and for placement with a host, but should not implement the recommendations automatically.
  • partiallyAutomated: Specifies that VirtualCenter should generate recommendations for virtual machine migration and for placement with a host, but should automatically implement only the placement at power on.
  • fullyAutomated: Specifies that VirtualCenter should automate both the migration of virtual machines and their placement with a host at power on.
Possible values are : manual, partiallyAutomated, fullyAutomated,
integer As int32 As int32

Threshold for generated ClusterRecommendations.

DRS generates only those recommendations that are above the specified vmotionRate. Ratings vary from 1 to 5. This setting applies to manual, partiallyAutomated, and fullyAutomated DRS clusters. See DrsBehaviorEnum.


Specifies the scaling behavior of the shares of all resource pools in the cluster.

See ResourceConfigSpecScaleSharesBehaviorEnum for possible values. If any scaling behavior other than disabled is specified, the system will scale the CPU and memory shares allocated to each resource pool with the total shares of all powered on virtual machines under each respective pool. The system will also use the SharesInfo set on each resource pool as a multiplier for the scale. Setting the scaleDescendantsShares on the cluster is equivalent to setting the scaleDescendantsShares on the root resource pool.


Advanced settings.