

RDS server naming Pattern settings for the farm.

JSON Example
    "max_number_of_rds_servers": 5,
    "naming_pattern": "vm-{n}-sales"
integer As int32 As int32

Maximum number of RDS Servers in the farm. Default value is 1.


RDS Servers will be named according to the specified naming pattern. By default, Horizon appends a unique number to the specified pattern to provide a unique name for each RDS Server. To place this unique number elsewhere in the pattern, use '{n}'. (For example: rds-{n}-sales.) The unique number can also be made a fixed length. (For example: rds-{n:fixed=3}-sales will name RDS Servers from rds-001-sales to rds-999-sales).
RDS Server names are constrained to a maximum size of 15 characters including the unique number. Therefore, care must be taken when choosing a pattern. If the maximum farm size is 9 RDS servers, the pattern must be at most 14 characters. For 99 RDS servers, 13 characters, for 999 RDS servers, 12 characters. For 9999 RDS servers, 11 characters. If using a fixed size token, use a maximum of 14 characters for "n=1", 13 characters for "n=2", 12 characters for "n=3", and 11 characters for "n=4". If {n} is specified with no size, a size of 2 is automatically used and if no {} is specified, {n=2} is automatically appended to the end of the pattern.
This property must contain only alphanumerics and dashes. It must contain at least one alpha character. It may also optionally contain a numeric placement token {n} or {n:fixed=#}. If the pattern does not specify the numeric placement token, the maximum length is 14 characters.