Settings for ClonePrep customization for the farm.
"post_synchronization_script_name": "cloneprep_postsync_script",
"post_synchronization_script_parameters": "p1 p2 p3",
"power_off_script_name": "cloneprep_poweroff_script",
"power_off_script_parameters": "p1 p2 p3",
"priming_computer_account": "a219420d-4799-4517-8f78-39c74c7c4efc"
Post synchronization script. ClonePrep can run a customization script on instant-clone machines after they are created or recovered or a new image is pushed. Provide the path to the script on the parent virtual machine.
Post synchronization script parameters.
Power off script. ClonePrep can run a customization script on instant-clone machines before they are powered off. Provide the path to the script on the parent virtual machine.
Power off script parameters.
Instant Clone publishing needs an additional computer account in the same AD domain as the clones. This field accepts the pre-created computer accounts. This field accepts the pre-created computer accounts. This property is ignored when reuse_pre_existing_accounts is set to false.