Topology APIs

Topology APIs

  • Telco Cloud Service Assurance Topology, represents the physical and logical arrangement of managed resources and their connections with peer-managed resources. These managed resources and their connections are represented as nodes and relationships in the Telco Cloud Service Assurance topology. Telco Cloud Service Assurance Topology APIs support the following
  • API to retrieve the list of class types that represent the classification of the various managed resources in the Telco Cloud Service Assurance data model.
  • API to retrieve the list of resource instances belonging to a class type.
  • API to retrieve the list of relationships associated with a resource instance.
  • Given a resource instance and relationship, the support to retrieve the destination nodes.
  • API to retrieve the list of topology map types supported by Telco Cloud Service Assurance.
  • Given a map type and resource instance, the support to retrieve the list of nodes and relationships originating from that instance.
  • API to retrieve the configuration details of a resource instance.

Get Class Types
Get discovered topology class types such as Router, switch, VEdge etc.
Get Map Types
Get all supported map types for the given className and instance.
Get Instances
Get all the instances for the given class
Get Relationships
Get all the relationships for the given instance
Topology Map
Topology Map for give mapType
Get Domain Managers
Get the details of the domain manager, which is responsible for discovering the requested topology instance.