Get Notification Summary
This API provides summary of notification severity and their count.
Request body is optional. User needs to provide request body only when filtering is required. For summary on selected notification, provide "VsaFilter" in request body.
"vsafilter": {
"condition": "AND",
"filterlist": [
"Filter Object"
The VSAFilter object defines how the filters has to be applied on queries.
"Result": [
"2": 5807
"3": 374
"1": 228
"4": 158
Notification summary object.
Client must authenticate itself to get the requested response
The client does not have access rights to the content; that is, it is Client must authenticate itself to get the requested response
The server can not find the requested resource
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: <value>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{}' https://{api_host}/tcsa/api/notification-management/v1/notifications/summary