Request Tech Support Logs
Request for asynch Tech-Support action. The supported action includes 'collectTechSupportBundle'. After the request is made, TCA carry out an asynchronous job to carry out the action, and responds with the TCA-JobId.
"collectDbDump": false,
"collectNspTechBundle": false,
"collectK8sClusterLogs": false,
"fleetAppliances": [
"k8sClusters": [
"k8sClusterNamesWithManagementClusterId": [
"mgmtClusterId": "string",
"clusterName": "string"
Where or not to collect the underlying TCA inventory details.
Where or not to collect the underlying Kubernetes cluster details.
List of clusterIds for which techsupport bundle needs to be collected
List of clusterName with managementClusterId for which techsupport bundle needs to be collected, for clusters which do not have ids
The Tech-Support Async Job details.
"jobId": "string"
The identifier that may be used to refer to TCA internal internal job that's handling the asynchronous task.
"errors": [
"code": "string",
"message": "string"