Detail about the TCA/CP system and sub-systems, on which the support action is taken/intended.
"systemUuid": "string",
"systemName": "string",
"systemType": "string",
"version": "string",
"linkLastCommunicated": "string",
"linkVerified": "string",
"linkEstablished": "string"
TCA/CP internal UUID.
The system name. This is usually the user configured name of TCA (or CP).
The type of system, namely, 'tca-manager', 'tca-controlplane', or 'tca-bootstrapper'.
The build version of the TCA (or the CP).
In case of tca-controlplane (CP), the time when the CP did communicate last to the tca-manager (TCA).
In case of tca-controlplane (CP), the time when the CP communication to the tca-manager (TCA) was acknowledged last by the latter.
The first time when the CP did communicate to the tca-manager (TCA), after the last failed communication (if any).