Organization details to be updated
"language": "string",
"displayName": "string",
"customerId": "string",
"type": "string",
"enforceUserApiTokenMfa": false,
"auditLogsInstanceId": "string",
"isMfaRequired": false,
"locale": "string"
Default locale lang code preference for the organization.
Display name must be alphanumerical and can contain the following symbols -_.`':@&, and space. International characters are allowed.
The Broadcom ERP customer id
Organization type. The type can be changed only by the Platform operator
Flag to enforce the user Api token multi-factor authentication (MFA).
If enabled then user needs to provide additional multi-factor authentication passcode when exchange API token for AccessToken.
Parameter enforceUserApiTokenMfa is no longer supported. Please use below mentioned APIs to manage MFA Api Token Policy.
POST /am/api/orgs/{orgId}/mfa-api-token-policy/activate
POST /am/api/orgs/{orgId}/mfa-api-token-policy/deactivate
GET /am/api/orgs/{orgId}/mfa-api-token-policy
Note: Please use Authn sdk instead of AM sdk for MFA related Apis.
The instance of the LINT service in the region to which we will redirect audit logs. The organization must already have been granted access to the LINT service and assigned to one or more LINT service instances. To reset, send empty string.
If the flag is enabled, vmwid users will be able to login only when they enabled multi-factor authentication (MFA).
Parameter isMfaRequired is no longer supported. Please use below mentioned APIs to update MFA setting for an Org"
POST /am/api/orgs/{orgId}/mfa-policy/activate
POST /am/api/orgs/{orgId}/mfa-policy/deactivate
GET /am/api/orgs/{orgId}/mfa-policy
Note: Please use Authn sdk instead of AM sdk for MFA related Apis.
Default locale lang country preference for the organization.