Search users by roles and/or resource.
"expandProfile": false,
"rolesSearchTerm": {
"serviceRoles": [
"serviceRoles": [
"roleName": "string"
"serviceDefinitionId": "string"
"orgRoles": [
"roleName": "string"
"customRoles": [
"roleName": "string"
"resource": "string",
"resourceStartsWith": "string",
"searchType": "string",
"pageLimit": 0,
"pageStart": 0,
"userSearchTerm": "string",
"includeGroupIdsInRoles": false,
"excludeRoles": false
Indicates if the response should be expanded with the user profile (default: false).
Resource to search for resource-scoped role assignments.
Resource to search for resource-scoped role assignments starting with given term. This field is deprecated. Consider using "resource" along with "searchType".
Defines the searching capability of the "resource" field value.
Maximum number to return in response. Default value is 200.
Start index for querying. Default value is 1.
The string to be searched within email or firstName or lastName or username.Max search length is 120 characters. If it contains space separated terms, then the searchTerm is matched against possible firstName and lastName combinations. This search term is case insensitive.
Indicates if the inherited roles in the response should indicate group information (default: false).
Indicates if the response should exclude the roles of the user (default: false).