Streaming current Apply Change log

Streaming current Apply Change log

If there is no currently running Apply Changes then it returns 200 with an exit event of type no install in progress.

This endpoint streams the logs of the currently running Apply Changes using the Server Sent Events format.

It starts by streaming an event named step_info which includes an array of JSON data with the name and descriptions of each ordered install step. Next, it will stream all of the log which has already happened during this Apply Changes. Then, it will stream realtime events and logs as they happen.

Mixed in with lines of logs, it will send events for steps called step_started and step_finished, and an exit event at the end. The step_started and step_finished events have JSON data, that include an id key corresponding to the JSON sent in the step_info event.

The exit event has JSON data which includes the exit code of the last command from the Apply Changes.

A exit code of 0 means success, and any other exit code indicates failure.

When the Apply Changes ends, the server closes the client's connection.

Note: The example response included in this documentation has been abbreviated for the sake of brevity.



Operation doesn't return any data structure