List Error Resolver Info
Returns a list of metadata for all the error resolvers registered.
"results": [
"error_id": 0,
"resolver_present": false,
"user_metadata": {
"user_input_list": [
"data_type": "string",
"property_name": "string",
"property_value": "string"
"details": "string",
"related_errors": [
"ApiError Object"
"module_name": "string",
"error_message": "string",
"error_code": 0
Additional data about the error
Further details about the error
The module name where the error occurred
A description of the error
A numeric error code
"details": "string",
"related_errors": [
"ApiError Object"
"module_name": "string",
"error_message": "string",
"error_code": 0
Additional data about the error
Further details about the error
The module name where the error occurred
A description of the error
A numeric error code
Not Found
"details": "string",
"related_errors": [
"ApiError Object"
"module_name": "string",
"error_message": "string",
"error_code": 0
Additional data about the error
Further details about the error
The module name where the error occurred
A description of the error
A numeric error code
"details": "string",
"related_errors": [
"ApiError Object"
"module_name": "string",
"error_message": "string",
"error_code": 0
Additional data about the error
Further details about the error
The module name where the error occurred
A description of the error
A numeric error code
"details": "string",
"related_errors": [
"ApiError Object"
"module_name": "string",
"error_message": "string",
"error_code": 0
Additional data about the error
Further details about the error
The module name where the error occurred
A description of the error
A numeric error code