Get Dhcp Status
Returns the service status of the given dhcp server.
"error_message": "string",
"service_status": "string",
"stand_by_node": "string",
"active_node": "string"
Error message, if available
UP means the dhcp service is working fine on both active transport-node and stand-by transport-node (if have), hence fail-over can work at this time if there is failure happens on one of the transport-node; DOWN means the dhcp service is down on both active transport-node and stand-by node (if have), hence the dhcp-service will not repsonse any dhcp request; Error means error happens on transport-node(s) or no status is reported from transport-node(s). The dhcp service may be working (or not working); NO_STANDBY means dhcp service is working in one of the transport node while not in the other transport-node (if have). Hence if the dhcp service in the working transport-node is down, fail-over will not happen and the dhcp service will go down.
uuid of stand_by transport node. null if non-HA mode
uuid of active transport node
"details": "string",
"related_errors": [
"ApiError Object"
"module_name": "string",
"error_message": "string",
"error_code": 0
Additional data about the error
Further details about the error
The module name where the error occurred
A description of the error
A numeric error code
"details": "string",
"related_errors": [
"ApiError Object"
"module_name": "string",
"error_message": "string",
"error_code": 0
Additional data about the error
Further details about the error
The module name where the error occurred
A description of the error
A numeric error code
Not Found
"details": "string",
"related_errors": [
"ApiError Object"
"module_name": "string",
"error_message": "string",
"error_code": 0
Additional data about the error
Further details about the error
The module name where the error occurred
A description of the error
A numeric error code
"details": "string",
"related_errors": [
"ApiError Object"
"module_name": "string",
"error_message": "string",
"error_code": 0
Additional data about the error
Further details about the error
The module name where the error occurred
A description of the error
A numeric error code
"details": "string",
"related_errors": [
"ApiError Object"
"module_name": "string",
"error_message": "string",
"error_code": 0
Additional data about the error
Further details about the error
The module name where the error occurred
A description of the error
A numeric error code