"is_default": false,
"encrypt_algorithm": "string",
"mac_algorithm": "string",
"type": "string",
"encrypt_type": "string",
"rekey_frequency": 0,
"notes": "string",
"is_sys_default": false
It is a boolean flag which reflects whether a DNE key policy is default or not.
DNE key encryption algorithm
MAC algorithm type
key policy type
Key policy encryption type
Frequency of key policy rekey (in seconds). Default 30 days, minimum 1 day, maximum 10000 days.
User notes specific to the key policy.
It is a boolean flag which reflects whether a DNE key policy is system default or not. System default key policies are created while dne system is booting up. User can't change the value of the system default flag. User created key policy always has system default flag set to false, however a user can change default flag (not the system default) value from false to true of any key policy, but not from true to false (when setting a key policy as default, the current default key policy is automatically unset).